Acta Scientific Clinical Case Reports

Research ArticleVolume 2 Issue 4

Device Influence in Public and Private Medical Colleges of Pakistan

Muhammad Asad Sultan Khan*, Saheefa Javed, Ibtesam E Fajar, Hafsa Jabeen, Umema Zafar and Younas Iftikhar

Department of Medical Education, ISRA University, Islamabad, Pakistan

*Corresponding Author: Muhammad Asad Sultan Khan, Department of Medical Education, ISRA University, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Received: September 14, 2020; Published: April , 2021

Citation: Muhammad Asad Sultan Khan., et al. “Device Influence in Public and Private Medical Colleges of Pakistan”. Acta Scientific Clinical Case Reports 2.5 (2021): 09-14.


Objective: To determine the influence of different devices and E-learning resources used by medical students of public and private medical colleges for their online education.

Materials and Methods: A descriptive cross sectional study was carried out on 7277 medical students of multiple private and public medical colleges all across Pakistan and by using random convenient sampling. Data was obtained through online questionnaire forms and analysed using spss v25.0.

Results: Out of the total medical students involved in this research, 51% were from public medical colleges whereas 49% were from private medical colleges. Out of 85.6% students who used smartphones,43.4% and 41.6% are public and private medical students respectively. 63.4% Medical students use their personal laptops out of which 30.0% and 33.1% are public and private Medical Colleges’ Students respectively. 42.8% of Medical Students own a home based internet service and 30% relied on Mobile Data. 89.2%, 52.7%, 23.0%, 21.2% and 10.10% of Medical students use Youtube, Wikipedia, Medscape, Osmosis and Pharmapedia respectively as online educational resources. Youtube is popular among public medical college students, whereas Medscape is more used among private medical colleges’ students.

Conclusion: Laptops are more popular among the medical students of Private Colleges whereas the Smartphones are commonly used for E-learning by Public medical College students. Majority of the Students have accessibility to home based internet facilities and a good number have mobile data available in their smartphones, Medical students commonly use these gadgets for social networking primarily and receive education online. Students of private medical colleges however show more inclination on using these gadgets for educational purposes whereas those from public medical colleges use smartphones and laptops to connect to their social media accounts. The most popular E-learning resource among medical students of both public and private colleges is youtube, followed by wikipedia, medscape, osmosis and pharmapedia.

Keywords: Smartphone; Laptop; Online; Youtube; Medscape; elearning; Wikipedia; Osmosis; Pharmapedia; emedical; Covid19; Pandemic; Medical Colleges; Pakistan; Medical Students; Doctors; Social Media; e Gaming; Education; Digital Health


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