Rony Pedro Colanzi*
Mèdico Patòlogo en Hospital Japonès, Bolivia
*Corresponding Author: Rony Pedro Colanzi, Mèdico Patòlogo en Hospital Japonès, Bolivia.
Received: February 13, 2021; Published: February 25, 2021
Citation: Rony Pedro Colanzi. “Vaccine against Covid-19 in Bolivia”. Acta Scientific Clinical Case Reports 2.3 (2021): 12-13.
Faced with the pandemic situation due to the Coronavirus SARS Cov 2, Bolivia currently has more than 200,000 infections and 10,000 deaths [1]. Its precarious health organization situation, including technological one, makes vaccination against COVID-19 a challenge of great dimensions. According to experts, 70% of vaccinated patients will be reached by 2023 [2]. For this reason, some institutions have decided to collaborate in this endeavor, buying a package of vaccines. The project could fill an efficiency gap that currently exists in the country.
Through the union of a group of institutions in Santa Cruz, it is planned to buy 1,200,000 doses of vaccine from the British laboratory Oxford/AstraZeneca, in Brazil [3], to vaccinate 600,000 inhabitants of this department of Bolivia.
Project descriptionThe department of Santa Cruz-Bolivia has 3 million inhabitants [4]. During this pandemic, 50% of the cases of infection and mortality (5,000 people) occurred in it, from the first case in March 2020. Efforts to carry out vaccination against COVID19, considering its complexity, will take up to year 2023. For this reason, a group of institutions have come together to promote the purchase of 1,200,000 doses of vaccines and to collaborate with the Central Government to solve this great problem. The institutions that are being organized are:
The Central Government, through Decrees and the Drug Law [8,9], enables the direct purchase of vaccines from sub-national institutions. According to "AGEMED" (State Agency for Medicines and Health Technologies), import procedures go through the National Pharmacological Commission. It considers that the AstraZeneca vaccine has stability studies, therefore it would not have observations. Based on this legislation and procedure, Prosalud would import the number of vaccines. Each dose would cost $ 9, so the initial investment would be 10,800,000 US. Considering the cost of other necessities, including refrigeration requirements, the figure is likely to rise to $ 12 million. This investment will be made with a bank loan. For this reason, as part of the institutions, private entrepreneurs, linked to banking, commerce and industry are counted.
The distribution of vaccines will be in accordance with the following needs: a) By age, through the "CRE Foundation" b) By business entities. Both institutions will make the respective selection of the people to be vaccinated. This will require legal documentation, mandatory compliance and percentage investment. The Foundation, through its institution of origin, has the possibility of carrying out a payment in installments, by the vaccinated people, for a year. The other institutions will make their charges according to criteria.
The placement of vaccines will require: a) Knowing the location and age, through online application. b) The vaccines will be placed, using the health infrastructure of Prosalud, clinics, pharmacies, laboratories, with the capacity to do so. c) People will be called, according to the age and location of the center where they will be vaccinated.
According to the project, it will be possible to vaccinate 600,000 people in the coming months, in two doses, which will decisively increase the percentage of people vaccinated in the department of Santa Cruz-Bolivia. It will also serve as a model for other similar initiatives.
Copyright: © 2021 Rony Pedro Colanzi. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.