Seema Devi1*, Sameer Kumar2, Banti Kumar3 and Debopam Purakayastha3
1Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, IGIMS, Patna, India
2Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, IGIMS, Patna, India
3PG 2nd Year, Department of Radiation Oncology, IGIMS, Patna, India
*Corresponding Author: Seema Devi, Additional Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, IGIMS, Patna, Bihar, India.
Received: January 28, 2025; Published: February 23, 2025
Introduction: Gall Bladder Cancer is third most common cancer of gastro-intestinal tract disease with variation of its prevalence geographically. According to ICMR’s report about 800,000 new cases and 5,50,000 death per year reported in India. Commonest etiological factors are gall stone and chronic inflammation. Chronic cholecystitis, due to bacterial Colonization causes Carcinogenesis. Gall stone disease and gall bladder cancer reported high incidence in Gangetic belt in India. Gall bladder cancer is one of the malignancies with high mortality with < 1-year overall survival. Commonest presentation is asymptomatic presentation leads to progression of diseases in advanced stage. In India, Gall bladder cancer is more common in females and usually presented at younger age. Majority of the patients presented with Jaundice. About 10% patients presented in early stage of disease in which Radical Cholecystectomy with advanced treatment is advisable as standard treatment and can achieve about 63% of 5-year survival rate.
Material and Method: Retrospective study was conducted in the department of Radiation oncology, State Cancer Institute, IGIMS Patna. Diagnosed and histopathologically proven Gall Bladder cancers were included and details of patient data were retrieved from hospital records.
Result: In total 500 patients, common age of patients were 45 to 55 years in males and 40 to 50 years in female, 323 (64.6%) were females and 177 (35.4%) males. Commonest symptom was pain in abdomen 415 (83%), nausea and vomiting (38%), Jaundice 240 (48%).
Discussion: According to Globocon 2018, gall bladder cancer is 22nd Cancer worldwide with 219,420 new cases which is 1.2% of malignancies and about 165,087 deaths contributing 17% of cancer related death. Incidence of gall bladder cancer varies according to geographic region. High rate of incidence reported in Central and South America, Eastern Europe and South-east Asia. India has second highest number of incidences of gall bladder cancer after China.
Conclusion: Based on all available data in HBCR registry, Ca gall bladder cancer is the commonest cancer and showing increasing trend of Ca gall bladder cancer. Due to lack of awareness, poor hygiene, habit of spicy food intake, lack of exercise and fruit intake, use of unfiltered drinking water, unavailability of diagnostic facilities at rural area. Patients usually present with advance stage of disease which resulted high morality. Majority of patients subjected to Palliative treatment in the form of chemotherapy
Keywords: Gall Bladder Cancer; Vomiting; Jaundice
Citation: Seema Devi., et al. “Epidemiology and Profile of Carcinoma Gall Bladder Patients”.Acta Scientific Cancer Biology 9.1 (2025): 12-22.
Copyright: © 2025 Seema Devi., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.