Acta Scientific Cancer Biology (ASCB)

Research Article Volume 8 Issue 7

Etiologies and Risk Factor Associated with Gastric Cancer - A Hospital Based Observational Study

Seema Devi1*, Rajesh Kumar Singh2, Shraddha Raj3 and Abhishek Kumar4

1Additional Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, IGIMS, Patna, India
2Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, IGIMS, Patna, India
3Assistant Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, IGIMS, Patna, India
4PG 3rd Year, Department of Radiation Oncology, IGIMS, Patna, India

*Corresponding Author: Seema Devi, Additional Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, IGIMS, Patna, India.

Received: December 30, 2022; Published: July 08, 2024


Background: Worldwide approximately 9,90000 people are diagnosed with gastric cancer. It causes fourth most common cancer and second most common cause of cancer death worldwide. There is marked geographical variation reported about the incidence of gastric carcinoma. High Incidence were reported in China, Japan and eastern Europe while low incidence rate reported in India, Philippines, Australia and North America. Factors responsible for Stomach Cancer: Hereditary and genetic factor, Dietary Factor, Diet and Lifestyle, H-Pylori Infection.

Material and Method: We Included a study of 110 patients of primary gastric cancer diagnosed in department of Radiation Oncology at State Cancer Institute Patna from July 2021 to July 2022. All the patients were diagnosed on basis of clinical history, Endoscopy, Radiological examination. The diagnosis was confirmed by histological examination of endoscopic biopsy or by reselected specimen. All the histo-pathologically confirmed cases were included in the study.

Result: Most common age group in our study was 51-60 years 42.6% in Males and 20% in Females, Male: Female ratio was 1.7:1. Most common histopathology was adenocarcinoma 94% followed by squamous cell 6%. About 38% were poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, 32% were well differentiated adenocarcinoma, 29% cancer were well differentiated adenocarcinoma. Most common symptom on presentation was pain in abdomen 87%, loss of appetite 72%, weight loss 55%, nausea 38%, vomiting 16%, dysphia in 11%. H-Pylori was tested in 110 patients among them 21 were positive and 89 were negative.

Practical Implication: Dietary modification diets with low consumption of red meat, High in fruits and vegetables may have some role in prevention of cancer. For H pylori, A vaccine would be cost effective to prevent gastric cancer and duodenal ulcers.

Keywords: Gastric Cancer; H. pylori; Adenocarcinoma



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Citation: Seema Devi., et al. “Etiologies and Risk Factor Associated with Gastric Cancer - A Hospital Based Observational Study”.Acta Scientific Cancer Biology 8.7 (2024): 20-27.


Acceptance rate35%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.183

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