Acta Scientific Cancer Biology (ASCB)

Review Article Volume 8 Issue 2

Comparative Analysis of Colon Cancer Classification Using RNN and CNN

V T Ram Pavan Kumar1*, M Arulselvi2 and K B S Sastry3

1Research Scholar, Department of CSE, Annamalai University, India
2Associate Professor, Department of CSE, Annamalai University, India
3Associate Professor, Department of Computers Science, Andhra Loyola College, India

*Corresponding Author: V T Ram Pavan Kumar, Research Scholar, Department of CSE, Annamalai University, India.

Received: February 07, 2024; Published: January 30, 2024


Colon cancer is the second leading dreadful disease-causing death. The challenge in the colon cancer detection is the accurate identification of the lesion at the early stage such that mortality and morbidity can be reduced. In this work, a colon cancer classification is done by recurrent neural network and CNN. Initially, the input cancer images subjected to carry a pre-processing, in which outer artifacts are removed. The pre-processed image is forwarded for segmentation. The obtained segments are forwarded for attribute selection module. Finally, the Comparison is done for CNN and RNN Results.

Keywords: Peritoneal Carcinomatosis; Colorectal Cancer (CRC); Deep Learning; Biomarkers



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Citation: V T Ram Pavan Kumar.,et al. “Comparative Analysis of Colon Cancer Classification Using RNN and CNN”.Acta Scientific Cancer Biology 8.2 (2024): 16-21.


Acceptance rate35%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.183

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