Acta Scientific Cancer Biology (ASCB)

Research Article Volume 8 Issue 1

Trend of Geriatric Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy

Seema Devi*

Additional Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, IGIMS, Patna, India

*Corresponding Author: Seema Devi, Additional Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, IGIMS, Patna, India.

Received: December 11, 2023; Published: December 20, 2023


Introduction: Any person of age 60 and above and a citizen of India is categorized as senior citizen according to maintenance and welfare of parents and senior Citizen Act 2007. According to 2014 report by Help age India (Non-Profit Organization), in 2050 elderly population will be 20% of population addressed as a senior citizen. Cancer gradually peaks at the age of 70-80 years and there is a sharp increase reported after the age of 80 years. This article provides an overview of profile of elderly patients undergoing Radiotherapy in State Cancer Institute of Bihar.

Material and Method: This is a retrospective study of all cancer patients of 60 year and above at our department who received Radiotherapy from August 2021 to April 2023.

Result: A total of 1738 patients have received Radiotherapy during this period in which 432 (24.85%) cases were elderly patients from age 60 and above. 246 (57%) patients were males and 186 (43%) patients were females. The most common cases reported in our study was of Head and Neck cancer -186 (43%) cases. 15.2% patients of Carcinoma Cervix. 10.4% patients presented with carcinoma Breast.

Discussion: 432 Patients were included and analysed in this study about 24.35% of all total cases received Radiotherapy during period. HBCR data from 5 Indian hospitals also shown 20.3% of all malignancies in 65 years of age and above (17). In our study common site was carcinoma Head and Neck was commonest about 43.1% followed by carcinoma cervix, Carcinoma gastrointestinal cancer urogenital cancers.

Conclusion: A significant number of patients can be treated with curative intent with Suppurative care There should be some patients protocol regarding nutritional status and for these patients treatment according to their need.

Keywords: Geriatric Patients; Radiotherapy; Oncology



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Citation: Seema Devi. “Trend of Geriatric Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy”.Acta Scientific Cancer Biology 8.1 (2024): 29-36.


Acceptance rate35%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.183

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