Acta Scientific Cancer Biology (ASCB)

Short Communication Volume 7 Issue 10

Metastatic Prostate Cancer at the Cervicofacial Level in Two Cases

Roland Bertile Banga-mouss1*, Brice Aymard Nkoua Epala2, Gérard Chidrel Ngouoni3, Yannick Dimi Nyanga1, Brel Mabika4, Armel Melvin Atipo Ondongo1, Steve Ondziel Opara1, Fabien Gaël Mouamba5, Edith Rose Marcelle Eboungabeka Trigo4, Lizen Oldanyh Mozoma5, Eliane Ndounga2, Anani Séverin Wencesl Odzebe1, Prosper Alain Bouya1 and Gontran Ondzotto3

1Urology-Andrology Department, Brazzaville University Hospital, Republic of the Congo
2Department of Radiotherapy, Department of Medical Oncology, Brazzaville University Hospital, Republic of the Congo
3ENT Service, Brazzaville University Hospital, Republic of the Congo
4Department of Stomatology and Maxillofacial Surgery, Brazzaville University Hospital, Republic of the Congo
5Department of Anatomical Pathology, Brazzaville University Hospital, Republic of the Congo
6Department of Rheumatology, Brazzaville University Hospital, Republic of the Congo

*Corresponding Author: Roland Bertile Banga-mouss, Urology-Andrology Department, Brazzaville University Hospital, Republic of the Congo.

Received: October 16, 2023; Published: November 19, 2023


Prostate cancer is the leading urological cancer in men in Congo. Metastases of the ENT and cervicofacial regions in prostate cancer are rare. The objective of this study was to report the clinical, paraclinical and evolutionary aspects of cervical and maxillofacial metastases of two cases of prostate cancer followed at the University Hospital of Brazzaville. These were patients aged 64 and 71 years, respectively, in the advanced stages of the disease. As the patients were no longer operable, systemic treatment was the essential therapeutic modality that improved the quality of life of both patients.

Keywords: Advanced Prostate Cancer; Metastasis; Cervicofacial; ENT



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Citation: Roland Bertile Banga-Mouss.,et al. “Metastatic Prostate Cancer at the Cervicofacial Level in Two Cases”.Acta Scientific Cancer Biology 7.10 (2023): 23-26.


Acceptance rate35%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.183

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