Bot D Yakubu1, Olaniru B Olumide2 and Bigwan T Yanan1*
1Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Faculty of Health Sciences and Technology, University of Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria
2Department of Chemical Pathology, Jos University Teaching Hospital Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria
*Corresponding Author: Bigwan T Yanan, Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Faculty of Health Sciences and Technology, University of Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria.
Received: November 07, 2022; Published: February 16, 2022
&A case study was conducted to screen Prostate-specific antigen levels of 50 elderly Men and understand their risk for Prostate cancer, the study was conducted at Church of Christ in Nations (COCIN) LCC Bukuru and its environs. Those included were asymptomatic elderly males of age 50 years and above at COCIN LCC Bukuru and environs, those who filled the consent form and agreed to be part of the studies and those that have not been previously diagnosed with prostate cancer or any form of cancer. Those excluded from this study were Men below the age of 50 years at COCIN LCC Bukuru and environs, those who did not fill the consent form or did not agree to be part of the studies, those previously diagnosed with prostate cancer or any form of cancer, Men that were sick. 8(16%) participants were diagnosed with PSA levels above the normal range, and 42(84%) were below the normal range. A blood sample (5 ml) was collected via venipuncture and the serum was assayed for PSA using chemiluminescence immunoassay method.
Based on the body mass index of the target population, individuals under 18.5 (underweight) were 2(4%), individuals from 18.5-25 (normal weight) were 24(48%), individuals from 25-30 (overweight) were 16(32%), individuals at 30 and above (obese) were 8(16%). Based on the demographic characteristics, the number of participants in the age group 50-59 had 28(56%) individuals; 60-69 had 11(22%) individuals; 70-79 had 6(12%) individuals; 80 years and above 5(10%) age in the study. The mean ± SD of PSA levels of men based on body mass index (BMI) of fifty (50) participants were screened. Individuals under 18.5 were 2(4%) had 4.81 ± 5.95, participants between 18.5 - 25 were 24(48%) had 2.62 ± 4.63, individuals between 25 - 30 were 16(32%) had 2.06 ± 2.75 and participants above 30 BMI were 8(16%) had 2.39 ± 2.15, with a mean of 2.49 ± 3.74 and a P-value of 0.808.
Keywords: Prostate Specific Antigen; Screening; Men; Bukuru
Citation: Bigwan T Yanan., et al. “Demographic Implications of Serum Prostate-Specific Antigen Screening Among Men in Bukuru and Environs" Acta Scientific Cancer Biology 7.1 (2023): 02-06.
Copyright: © 2022 Bigwan T Yanan., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.