Acta Scientific Cancer Biology (ASCB)

Case Report Volume 4 Issue 9

A Sustained Response of Maintenance Therapy in Pancreatic Acinar Cell Carcinoma (PACC): A Case Report and Literature Review

Shahid Gilani* and Apurna Jegannathen

University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust, United Kingdom

*Corresponding Author: Shahid Gilani, University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust, United Kingdom.

Received: August 10, 2020; Published: August 24, 2020



We describe a 50 year old male patient who was histologically diagnosed to have acinar cell tumour of pancreas. He initially presented with localized pancreatic cancer. He underwent distal pancreatectomy with splenectomy for pT3pNxpMxR1 disease, confirming acinar cell tumour. He was started on adjuvant chemotherapy with Gemcitabine but was discontinued after 2 cycles due to anaphylaxis. On disease relapse, Oxaliplatin plus Capecitabine was started but stopped after 5 cycles because of disease progression. But surprisingly a later CT scans after 3 months showed disease response which continued for almost 6 months without any treatment. We think this was an unusual late response. But unfortunately his disease progressed again shortly after this. At that time we re-challenged him with the same chemotherapy. More than three years from his initial diagnosis, this patient is still on maintenance treatment showing further clinical and radiological improvement in his disease.

Keywords: Maintenance Therapy; Pancreatic Acinar Cell Carcinoma (PACC); Gemcitabine; Oxaliplatin; Capecitabine



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Citation: Shahid Gilani and Apurna Jegannathen. “A Sustained Response of Maintenance Therapy in Pancreatic Acinar Cell Carcinoma (PACC): A Case Report and Literature Review”.Acta Scientific Cancer Biology 4.9 (2020): 23-26.


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