Acta Scientific Cancer Biology (ASCB)

Case Report Volume 4 Issue 5

Imaging of Esophageal Cancer - Pictorial Essay

Subbarao Kakarla*

Professor, Chairman KREST, Hyderabad, Telangana, India

*Corresponding Author: Subbarao Kakarla, Professor, Chairman KREST, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.

Received: January 20, 2020; Published: April 27, 2020



 The incidence of Esophageal Cancer is increasing while stomach cancer is decreasing. Imaging plays a major role in the early diagnosis, prognosis and management. The imaging methods include conventional radiology of the chest, contrast studies of the esophagus, Ultrasonography, CT, MRI and PET CT. Fluoroscopy with spot films of contrast studies is essential in detecting early lesions. Major imaging features include ulceration, filling defect, infiltration, obstruction, and involvement of the neighbouring structures. These features are illustrated abundantly. Apart from carcinoma of the esophagus, other malignancies include spindle cell carcinosarcoma, malignant gist, lymphoma, melanoma, etc. .

Keywords: Esophageal Cancer; Imaging by Ultrasonography; CT; MRI; PET CT; Perforation; Stents; Benign Tumors of Esophagus



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Citation: Subbarao Kakarla. “Imaging of Esophageal Cancer - Pictorial Essay”.Acta Scientific Cancer Biology 4.5 (2020): 15-20.


Acceptance rate35%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.183

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