Acta Scientific Biotechnology

Review Article Volume 4 Issue 3

Recent Developmental Strategies Targeting Aging: An Integrative Approach Towards Aging Disorders and its Treatment

Ayushi Poddar1,2, Surya Kumar Ekka1,2, Annie Jessica Toppo1, Anupriya1,2, Apeksha Sharma1,2, Nisha Rani Soreng2, Aditi Kumari1,4, Priyangulta Beck1, Dinesh Kumar1, Rupa Verma3 and Mukesh Nitin1*

1Department of Tech. Biosciences, Digianalix, Tharpakhna, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India
2Department of Biotechnology, Gossner College, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India
3Department of Botany, Ranchi University, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India
4Department of Biotechnology, Marwari College, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India

*Corresponding Author: Mukesh Nitin, Department of Tech. Biosciences, Digianalix, Tharpakhna, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India.

Received: February 28, 2023; Published: March 14, 2023


In the process of ageing numerous genes and their related metabolic pithy are involved in deterioration of cells, tissues and organs. The ageing process of plants are different from animals but they develop various counter actions against ageing and its consequences. In this review, we try to highlight those mechanism which has ability to combat symptoms of ageing. Through these mechanisms or genes we could use them for human ageing process. For the re-evaluation of ageing process in cells and organs various complementary advanced techniques has various loop holes which is needed to rectify to get more precision for detection ageing process. Herein, through this review we can say that implementation of mechanism correlated with plant. So, in ageing of human this mechanisms could be employed as one of the remedy to slow down the process, along with cure the worst form of ageing caused due to glitch in gene regulation.

 Keywords: Ageing; DNA Methylation; Senescence; Biosensors; Telomere


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Citation: Mukesh Nitin., et al. “Recent Developmental Strategies Targeting Aging: An Integrative Approach Towards Aging Disorders and its Treatment".Acta Scientific Biotechnology 4.3 (2022): 14-25.


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