Acta Scientific Biotechnology

Review Article Volume 3 Issue 4

The Environmentally Conscious Method to Eradicate Cyanobacteria

Aaron Solanki*, Sanjay Krishna, Pritam Hazra and Marc Manoj

Department of biotechnology, Clements High School, United States of America

*Corresponding Author: Aaron Solanki, Department of biotechnology, Clements High School, United States of America.

Received: May 02, 2022; Published: August 26, 2022


Cyanobacteria outbreaks in bodies of water are destructive and harmful to aquatic ecosystems. These outbreaks are detrimental in a biological manner as they produce fatal toxins for fish and aquatic life, but also in an economic manner as millions of dollars are spent on cyanobacteria eradication. The constant expense of trying to eradicate outbreaks is financially costly for those who own property along a shoreline or those who own a body of water. These are all problems that must be stopped with an efficient and effective solution. Our team provides a common sense solution to battling these cyanobacteria blooms in order to ensure the safety and productivity of the aquatic ecosystems which are impacted. We utilize robots and aerators, not only to eliminate already formed cyanobacteria, but to also prevent its regeneration. The idea is to be as efficient as possible but also as cost effective as possible, something we aim to accomplish in our solution.

Keywords: Cyanobacteria; Ecosystems; Algal Blooms


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Citation: Aaron Solanki., et al. “The Environmentally Conscious Method to Eradicate Cyanobacteria".Acta Scientific Biotechnology 3.4 (2022): 05-12.


Copyright: © 2022 Aaron Solanki., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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