Acta Scientific Biotechnology

Short Communication Volume 1 Issue 10

The Climate is Governed by a New Substance - Artificial Vapors

Oleg Khalidullin*

Academician of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan

*Corresponding Author: Oleg Khalidullin, Academician of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan.

Received: August 18, 2020; Published: September 12, 2020


  U.S. President Donald Trump does not recognize the 2015 Paris agreements. And he does the right thing. He needs a theoretical basis for his refusal. This is the rationale proposed here. The main theme of the third day of the Paris Climate Conference is resilience to climate change. Assistant Secretary-General on Climate Change Janos Pastor - - warns that the climate is already changing and this process cannot be stopped: “Even if we stop all emissions today, the climate will still change, because a significant amount of greenhouse gases has already accumulated in the atmosphere. Therefore, in our development, we must adapt to this situation, change economic approaches and learn to adapt to the changing climate”.


Acceptance rate36%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days

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