Acta Scientific Biotechnology

Mini Review Volume 1 Issue 8

Potential Role of Microbes in Insect, Human, Plant and Environment for Present and Future Perspective

Vimalanathan Arun Prasanna1*, Mani Kannan2, Sankarappan Anbalagan3 and Yongqi Shao4

1Department of Environmental Biotechnology, Bharathidasan University, Tamil Nadu, India
2Department of Entomology, Chemistry and Nematology, Institute of Plant protection, Agricultural Research Organization, Volcani Research Centre, Israel
3Department of Zoology, Government Arts College, Tamil Nadu, India
4Institute of Sericulture and Apiculture, College of Animal Sciences, Zhejiang University, China

*Corresponding Author: Vimalanathan Arun Prasanna, Department of Environmental Biotechnology, Bharathidasan University, Tamil Nadu, India.

Received: February 22, 2020; Published: July 21, 2020



 After a very long adaptation and evolution, now microbes exist anywhere in the world. They are co-evolved with insect, plant and human/animal in different conditions which has possible benefits and least microbes become pathogen when the host had decline in the level of symbionts. Recently many research dealt with identification of microbes and production of useful compounds, enzymes, peptides and even antibiotics under selective pressure. Microbes are used as a disease marker in the recent era. In this review, we highlights the significance of microbes and their uncanny ability assisting with different host and environments.

Keywords: Biotechnology, Insect Symbiosis, Plant Microbe Interaction, Cancer, Dysbiosis, Enzymes, Gut Microbes.



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Citation: Vimalanathan Arun Prasanna., et al. “Potential Role of Microbes in Insect, Human, Plant and Environment for Present and Future Perspective". Acta Scientific Biotechnology 1.8 (2020): 11-15.


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