Acta Scientific Biotechnology (ASBT)

Research Article Volume 1 Issue 5

Regenerage® Cream Anti-Aging Effect in Women

Joel I Osorio1*, Geannyne Villegas3, Lejla R Stojanovic3 and Sergei Paylian4

1Regenerage International, Inc. USA
2Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Mexico
3Regenerage Europe, Serbia
4Bioquark, Inc. USA

*Corresponding Author: Joel I Osorio, Regenerage International, Inc. USA.

Received: February 21, 2020; Published: March 16, 2020



Introduction: The skin aging, in addition to the general guideline of the whole organism, is negatively influenced by various internal and external factors that can accelerate and modify it. There are several anti-aging therapies, including those for topical use with greater acceptance among users. Bioquantine® is an innovative product with regenerative properties that has been added to RE-GENERAGE® cream.

Objective: To evaluate the REGENERAGE® cream anti-aging effect in 12 women.

Materials and Methods: Exploratory clinical trial, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled parallel group. Ten healthy volunteers with a diagnosis of facial photo-aging were included. They were randomly assigned to the REGENERAGE® cream in half of the face and placebo cream in the other; The study products were ap-plied every day in the morning and evening, for 12 weeks. Baseline evaluations were carried out in week 6 and 12 of: the surface of the living skin (SELS, Surface Evaluation of Living Skin) with the VISIA equipment, clinical scales, as well as irritation and safety parameters.

Results and Discussion: The patients had an average age of 44 ± 3.9 years. The surface parameters of living skin: superficial spots, wrinkles, texture, pores, deep spots, redness and porphyrins, showed no statistically significant differences at 12 weeks with respect to the baseline; in addition, no differences were observed between groups. The UV spots parameter had an average improvement after 12 weeks of 17% in the REGENERAGE® group and 24% in the placebo group, p < 0.05; No differences were observed between the groups. In irritation symptoms: 1 patient reported redness, other pimples and in 2 cases of skin burning when the study product is applied; all of mild intensity. The overall satisfaction of the sub-researcher was: “regular” 50% (n = 5), “good” 40% (n = 4) and “bad” 10% (n = 1). The overall satisfaction of the study products by the patients was: “good” 50% (n = 5), “very good” 40% (n = 4) and “excellent” 10% (n = 1). There were no adverse events.

Keywords: Regenerage® Cream; Anti-Aging; Women



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Citation: Joel I Osorio., et al. “Regenerage® Cream Anti-Aging Effect in Women". Acta Scientific Biotechnology 1.4 (2020): .


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