Acta Scientific Anatomy

Research Article Volume 3 Issue 6

Cells of “Red” and “White” Human Blood, Reflected by Thematic Badges and Philately

Kunal Joon*

Noida International Institute of Medical Sciences, Haryana, India

*Corresponding Author: Kunal Joon, Noida International Institute of Medical Sciences, Haryana, India.

Received: May 08, 2024; Published: June 03, 2024


This research article presents the results of a study conducted by the author, the purpose of which was to determine the degree of representation, in such collecting means as phaleristics - on thematic, anatomical badges and, in philately - on postage stamps and envelopes, images of human blood cells, such as "red" and "white" blood.

Keywords: Human Blood Cells; “Red” Blood, “White” Blood; Erythrocytes; Platelets; Leukocytes; Thematic Badges; Philately; Postage Stamps and Envelopes; Screenshots


  1. Red Blood Cell Buttons.
  2. Red Blood Cell Badges and Pins.
  3. White Blood Cell Pins and Buttons for Sale.
  4. Jeffrey Weitz MD. “Hematology: Basic Principles and Practice 7th Edition”. (2017).
  5. STAMP US SCOTT 5802a.
  6. Postage stamp. Great.
  7. Microscopes (1989): Collect.
  8. Poland 1962 Sc 1087-9 WHO Malaria Eradication Mosquito Blood Cells Stamp CTO | Europe.
  9. Hematology Badges and Pins.
  10. Badge for Sale with the work. “Funny hematology with white blood cells de l'artiste”.
  11. Hematología Células explosivas Laboratorio Retráctil insignia carrete cordón.


Citation: Kunal Joon. “Cells of “Red” and “White” Human Blood, Reflected by Thematic Badges and Philately".Acta Scientific Anatomy 3.6 (2024): 04-11.


Copyright: © 2024 Kunal Joon. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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