Acta Scientific Applied Physics

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 1

The Model of Generator of Electricity Current, Based on New Axioms and Laws

Valentina Markova*

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria

*Corresponding Author: Valentina Markova, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria.

Received: May 02, 2024; Published: May 13, 2024


The Classical Field Theory was created by Maxwell (1864). Its single Axiom says that the movement of a vector along closed circle, it becomes at a constant speed. Thus it make thruth for the subsequent Maxuell Laws, which perfectly describe the Electromagnetic Field. But further attempts to apply this Classical Field Theory to describe the more complex part of field microparticles create great problems and encounter insurmountable difficulties. Therefore, the author proposes a new Extended Field Theory for such more complex fields, which are characterized by a variable speed of movement in the form of vortices in 2D and 3D. The Theory of Extended Field contains 2 new Axioms and 8 new Laws and is described in previous articles by the same author. One of the many results of this new theory is a basis in the present paper. It descripes a model of the electron both as an internal structure and as a system of working together with the other electrons.
On this basis, amazing structure are revealed for the electron. For example, it is revealed that the electron is a highly eccentric dipol and it looks like from outside as an empty eccentric toroid. The reason is that electron is created by opened decelerating transverse vortex from out to inward that generates in its new center accelerating longitudinal perpendicular vortex. Its new center, called the Gravitational center, is displaced from its Geometric center, and this is the reason for its wonderful properties. The property of the electron located in a Conductor is to phase itself when crossed by an external Magnetic Field. This is described as the phenomenon of Induction of Electric Current. Only by of specific structure of the electron described by the new Axioms and Laws can the phenomenon of Electric Current Induction be explained.Therefore the existing of phenomena of Induction is a direct proof of thruth of essence of Theory of new Axioms and Laws.
The novelty is a method of Induction (as phasing) without the need for movement and rotation. The only condition is to make a short phasing of the electrons in Conductor space by spetial Electric pulses in advance. After that, the power supply is turned off and is relied upon only to the internal natural pulsation of the electrons in the time. For this purpose, in this Device, called a Modified Conductor, a dense internal nano-network of Magnetic force lines with a strictly defined direction is made.
The purpose is that when pulsating, the electrons to hit the Magnetic force vectors (or to the vector in one side, or to vector in other opposite direction) and to self-phase. Thus by self-phasing to maintain the direction of the electronic dipoles and therefore to continue the flow of an Electric wave even in the absence of movement and rotation. Two models of so-called modified wire are shown in the article.

Keywords: Axioms; Electron; Electric Wave


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Citation: Valentina Markova. “The Model of Generator of Electricity Current, Based on New Axioms and Laws". Acta Scientific Applied Physics 4.1 (2024): 07-19.


Copyright: © 2024 Valentina Markova. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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