The Nature a Thermodynamic Entropy
Roland T Tweh1*, Edwin O Ataro2 and George N Nyakoe3
11Department of Electrical Engineering, Pan African University Institute for Basic
Sciences Technology and Innovation, Nairobi, Kenya
2School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, The Technical University of Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya
3Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi, Kenya
*Corresponding Author: Roland T Tweh, Department of Electrical Engineering, Pan African University Institute for Basic Sciences Technology and Innovation, Nairobi, Kenya.
July 26, 2023; Published: August 04, 2023
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have over the years emerged as a vital technology for monitoring and collecting essential data from their deployed environment, however excessive network congestion can cause packet loss, network delays, low throughput, increased network buffering and retransmission thereby shortening the lifetime of sensor nodes. Congestion control is essential for WSN but efficient utilization of resources is vital in achieving maximum Quality of Service (QoS) of the network. In this paper, the researchers present a comprehensive analysis of recent congestion control techniques in WSNs. The aim is to examine how these congestion control mechanisms operate and highlight their weaknesses. In addition, this paper also aims at setting criteria that researchers should achieve when developing congestion control techniques in WSNs.
Keywords: Wireless Sensor Networks; Quality of Service; Congestion Control
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