Acta Scientific Applied Physics

Editorial Volume 3 Issue 8

Reliability Physics of IC Products: Is Temperature Cycling an Adequate Accelerated Test Vehicle?

E Suhir

Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ (ret), Portland State University, Portland, OR, and ERS Co., Los Altos, CA, USA and Bordeaux Univ., Bordeaux, France

*Corresponding Author: E Suhir, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ (ret), Portland State University, Portland, OR, and ERS Co., Los Altos, CA, USA and Bordeaux Univ., Bordeaux, France.

Received: June 28, 2023; Published: July 01, 2023


Temperature cycling, the most widespread accelerated test vehicle in experimental reliability physics today, is costly, time- and labor consuming, but, most importantly, can result in misleading information, because electronic and photonics materials’ properties and performance are temperature dependent and temperature sensitive, and reliability testing, especially if it is of failure-oriented type (see, e.g., [1]), is conducted in a temperature range, which is much wider than what the product will most likely encounter in actual operation conditions.


  1. E Suhir. "Failure-Oriented-Accelerated-Testing (FOAT) and Its Role in Assuring Electronics Reliability: Review". International Journal of Physics Research and Applications1 (2023).
  2. E Suhir. "Analysis of a Pre-Stressed Bi-Material Accelerated Life Test (ALT) Specimen". in R. Hetnarski, ed., Encyclopedia of Thermal Stresses, Springer, (2013).
  3. E Suhir and R Ghaffarian. “Solder Material Experiencing Low Temperature Inelastic Thermal Stress and Random Vibration Loading: Predicted Remaining Useful Lifetime”. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics4 (2017).
  4. E Suhir and R Ghaffarian. “Probabilistic Palmgren-Miner Rule with Application to Solder Materials Experiencing Elastic Deformations”. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics3 (2017).
  5. E Suhir and R Ghaffarian. “Electron Device Subjected to Temperature Cycling: Predicted Time-to-Failure”. Journal of Electronic Materials2 (2019).
  6. E Suhir. "Expected Lifetime of an Optical Silica Fiber Intended for Open Space Applications: Probabilistic Predictive Model". Acta Astronautica 192 (2022).


Citation: E Suhir. “Reliability Physics of IC Products: Is Temperature Cycling an Adequate Accelerated Test Vehicle?". Acta Scientific Applied Physics 3.8 (2023): 01-02.


Copyright: © 2023 E Suhir. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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