Acta Scientific Applied Physics

Review Article Volume 3 Issue 6

Inteligent Behaviour of Electrons, According New Axioms and Laws

Valentina Markova*

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria

*Corresponding Author: Valentina Markova, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria.

Received: June 03, 2023; Published: June 09, 2023


The Theory of new Axioms and Laws contains 2 new Axioms and 8 Laws and it is invented by the same author. The classical axiom (Maxuell 1864) states that the uniform vortex is closed and verifies the Classical Field Theory. In contrast, the first new axiom (Axiom 1) asserts that the ununiform vortex is always open and verifies a new Theory of Open vortices. The second new axiom (Axiom 2) shows that open vortices in nature are mutually orthogonal. On this basis, the electron is defined as orthogonal to the proton. The Law 1, applied to the electron, affirms that a decelerating transverse open vortex generates an accelerating longitudinal vortex in its center. As one of result of the nonuniform (decelerating) transverse vortex, the electron becomes a strong eccentric. The center of body moves from Geometric center to a new point center, which is the center of Gravity. This means that during its pulsation, this eccentric body emits a transverse electric wave with a greater amplitude from the convex side of eccentric spiral than from its flattened side. As other of result is that the eccentric electron has an open active end of its decelerating transverse vortex. The arrangement of electrons with their open ends (tails) towards one end of a conductor and their predominant radiation towards that end is the cause of the movement of Electric wave to the marked end or Electric current flowing (in the opposite direction). This means that only 1 axis (coordinate)phasing and ordering is required. But the phenomenon induction of Electric current is connected with phasing of the electrons along the 3 axes. The manifestation of Lorentz Force also requires phasing along the 3 axes. The two phenomena are not mutually symmetrical, but they are mutually orthogonal.

The phenomena of Induction and the Lorentz Force would not be possible if the electron was not an eccentric from a opened nonuniform, transverse vortex with a perpendicular longitudinal vortex from its center. What's more- the existence of these phenomena are direct evidence of exactly this structure of the electron. The inner structure of the electron is what causes it to react of the external impact from lines of force of external Magnetic field, as a particle possessing some internal intelligence.

Finally the author proposes to create an Electric current by introducing the lines of force of the Magnetic field inside the conductor in the form of a magnetic grid. The natural pulsation of the electrons hits them in the lines of force of the Magnetic field. The electrons as eccentrics move and rotate until they point their active tails to one end of the conductor. This means that in order for an Electric Current to flow along the conductor, there is no need to turn on an Electric Voltage at the ends of the conductor.

Keywords: Axioms; Electron; Proton


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Citation: Valentina Markova. “Inteligent Behaviour of Electrons, According New Axioms and Laws". Acta Scientific Applied Physics 3.6 (2023): 14-28.


Copyright: © 2023 Valentina Markova. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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