Acta Scientific Applied Physics

Editorial Volume 3 Issue 6

Failure Oriented Accelerated Testing and its Role in Understanding and Assuring Reliability of Electronic and Photonic Products

E Suhir*

Bell Laboratories, Physical Sciences and Engineering Research Division, Murray Hill, NJ, USA

*Corresponding Author: E Suhir, Bell Laboratories, Physical Sciences and Engineering Research Division, Murray Hill, NJ, USA.

Received: April 15, 2023; Published: June 01, 2023


Understanding the reliability physics is critical for making a viable “high-tech” device into a reliable product, isn’t it? On the other hand, it is, as is known, the properly designed, carefully conducted and correctly interpreted accelerated testing that is the “supreme and final judge” of the product’s reliability. An highly focused and highly cost effective failure-oriented-accelerated-testing (FOAT) [1,2] suggested about a decade ago as an experimental basis of the novel probabilistic design for reliability (PDfR) concept [3] is intended to be carried out at the design stage of a new electronic, photonic, MEMS and MOEMS (optical MEMS) technology and when high operational reliability (like the one required, e.g., for aerospace, military, or long-haul communication applications), especially when instrumentation and human performance contribute jointly to the outcome of an aerospace or a military undertaking [4], is a must.


  1. E Suhir. “The Role of Failure-Oriented-Accelerated-Testing (FOAT) for Field Functional IC Packages”. Circuits Assembly, July 01, (2013).
  2. E Suhir. “Electronic Packaging Reliability Physics, and the Role of Failure-Oriented-Accelerated-Testing (FOAT)". Acta Scientific Applied Physics12 (2022).
  3. E Suhir. “Probabilistic Design for Reliability (PDfR)”. Chip Scale Reviews6 (2010).
  4. E Suhir. “When Instrumentation and Human Performance Contribute Jointly to the Outcome of a Human-System-Integration (HSI) Mission: Brief Review”. Int. Ergonomics Associate (IEA) Triennial Conf., Vancouver, CA, June 13-18, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems series, April 10, 219 (2021).
  5. E Suhir. “Predictive Modeling Sheds Light on Burn-in Testing (BIT) of IC Devices: Brief Review and Recent Extension”. Microelectronics Reliability 128 (2022).
  6. E Suhir. “Boltzmann-Arrhenius-Zhurkov (BAZ) Equation and Its Applications In Electronic-and-Photonic Aerospace Materials Reliability-Physics Problems”. International Journal of Aeronautical Science and Aerospace Research1 (2020).
  7. E Suhir. “Analytical Modeling of Electronic and Photonic Materials Reliability: Perspective and Extension". ASME Journal of Engineering Mechanics and Technology 145 (2023).


Citation: E Suhir. “Failure Oriented Accelerated Testing and its Role in Understanding and Assuring Reliability of Electronic and Photonic Products". Acta Scientific Applied Physics 3.6 (2023): 01-02.


Copyright: © 2023 E Suhir. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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