Valentina Markova*
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
*Corresponding Author: Valentina Markova, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria.
Received: March 24, 2023; Published: April 30, 2023
The theory of new Axioms and Laws consists two new Axioms and eight new Laws which have been proposed and developed in previous reports by the same author. According to the first axiom (Axiom1), we can replace uniform motion in a closed circle with non-uniform motion in an open vortex. According to the second axiom (Axiom2), it exists pairs of vortices that are mutually orthogonal and they transport energy and matter in two opposite directions [3]. Of all possible variants of vortex pairs, the most probable is the following orthogonal pair: an accelerating vortex from the center outwards. This case describes a model of the connected proton. Due to resistance this accelerating votex transforms and coils in a decelerating vortex from the periphery inwards. This case describes a model of the connected electron. It is known that the Electromagnetic Field propagates at a constant speed and pulsating the waves are only transverse. According to the new Axioms and Laws in the electron-proton system, the internal connections are of variable speed and when pulsating, the waves are not only transverse but and longitudinal. Therefore the interaction between the proton and the electron inside the atom is not Electromagnetic but it is a Gravity. The interaction between the proton and electron includes cross vortex with variable velocity and longitudinal vortex (as funnel) with variable velocity. From previous developments it is clear that the electron is not a centric open vortex but an eccentric open vortex centered in the second quadrant. And the proton is not a centric open vortex but an eccentric open vortex centered but in the first quadrant. This is the reason for the formation of eccentricity vectors that decompose along the x and y axes [4]. The eccentricity vector of the electron (as an empty and bloated toroid) is larger than the eccentricity vector of the proton (as a dense and small sphere). The projections of the eccentricity vector along the x- coordinate of the electron and the proton are directed against each other. This is the reason why the proton repels the electron at a certain distance (radius). The projection of the eccentricity vector along the y- coordinate of the electron is much larger than the projection of eccentricity vector along y-coordinate of the proton. This is the reason that the electron rotates around its corresponding paired proton. Because the electron is generated by a decelerating vortex, it emits decelerating primary vortices bent in the direction of the input motion. Namely, the primary vortices are bent to the left if the observer is looking against the axis. This is the reason the electron also rotates around its spin axis (in spin) [4-6].
Keywords:Proton; Axioms; Electron
Citation: Valentina Markov. “Why the Electron Spins Around its Proton and Around its Axis, According to the New Axioms and Laws". Acta Scientific Applied Physics 3.5 (2023): 44-57.
Copyright: © 2023 Valentina Markov. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.