Acta Scientific Applied Physics

Review Article Volume 3 Issue 3

A New Gravitational Model of the Solar System According the Theory of New Axioms and Laws

Valentina Markova Kirilova*

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria

*Corresponding Author: Valentina Markova Kirilova, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria.

Received: February 17, 2023; Published: March 10, 2023


The current science of the Earth is a complex and unites almost all known basic sciences. But nowadays the modern requirements for this complex science become much higher than her ability to provide answers and solutions. The reason is that, because of due to insufficient practical basis, the science of the Earth can not show the causes and driving forces for the phenomena in it.

In this work, the author offers his Theory by new axioms and laws for explanation of these phenomena. This Theory introduces a new complex approach to motions in celestial mechanics.

It replaces Classical Field Theory, which is based on the Classical Axiom of motion in a closed circle at constant velocity, with an extended Field Theory that describes motion in an open vortex at variable velocity. Even more -this Theory introduce the transverse and longitudinal vortices which can be accelerating or decelerating.

On this new base the author describes a new algorithm for generating the planet Earth. For example: the decelerating primary transverse vortices form at periphery hot toroid, but accelerating longitudinal vortex forms in center cool core of Earth. It is also shown the links of Earth to inner and outer planets in the solar system, its internal composition, the forces that move it around its axis and in orbit around the Sun, the gravity, the magnetism, etc.

Finally as a result of this new approach, the author outlines the influence of changes in the Earth's structure and the anthropogenic factor on the Earth's climate.

Keywords: Earth; Climate; Sun; Gravity


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Citation: Valentina Markova Kirilova., et al. “A New Gravitational Model of the Solar System According the Theory of New Axioms and Laws". Acta Scientific Applied Physics 3.4 (2023): 09-24.


Copyright: © 2023 Valentina Markova Kirilova., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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