Acta Scientific Applied Physics

Conceptual Paper Volume 3 Issue 2

On the Lemurrian Shabda Yoga - Part 2

Siddharth AMR Kalingarayar*

The Lemurrian Yoga Studios, The Palace, Bodipalayam Road, Zamin Uthukuli, Pollachi Via, Tamil Nadu, India

*Corresponding Author: Siddharth AMR Kalingarayar, The Lemurrian Yoga Studios, The Palace, Bodipalayam Road, Zamin Uthukuli, Pollachi Via, Tamil Nadu, India.

Received: December 19, 2022; Published: January 26, 2022


In our previous part we have just briefly introduced Sabdha/Naatha yoga. Various yogic methods and inquiry techniques have been formulated by the Seers. The aim of these different paths are to free from the fetters of the problems of mundane life and to lead a happy life. But the prime purpose is to attain spiritual enlightenment and LIBERATION/SALVATION from the cycle of birth and death. But these goals are not easy. Thousands of spiritual practitioners are unsuccessful in their attempts. Many of them have encountered side effects. The northern Indian Spiritual Rishis formulated Naatha Yoga principle for quick results. But experiences revealed that this path is also difficult. In the southern parts of India, in the lost Lemurrian continent Maha Manis SECRETLY performed their own Sabdha yogic methods and attained rapid results. In this work, the author unlocks this secretly kept scientific experiment so that the entire humanity will benefit.

Keywords: Yoga; Albert Einstein; Chakra


  1. This Lemurrian Shabda Brahman knowledge was delivered through the mouth of a Guru to the ears of the disciples. These secrets of secrets are the hidden properties of the Lemurrian Spiritual people. But the author will try his best to locate and pinpoint the relevant citations.


Citation: Siddharth AMR Kalingarayar. “On the Lemurrian Shabda Yoga - Part 2". Acta Scientific Applied Physics 3.2 (2023): 26-28.


Copyright: © 2023 Siddharth AMR Kalingarayar. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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