Acta Scientific Applied Physics

Research Article Volume 3 Issue 1

Anti-erosive Boron and Fluorine Doped Polyimide Coatings for Space Radiation Environment Protection

Riyadh MA Abdul Majeed1, Prashant S Alegaonkar2*, Sudha V Bhoraskar3 and Vasant N Bhoraskar3

1Department of Physics, University of Hodaidah, Hodaidah, Yemen
2Department of Physics, School of Basic Sciences, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, PS, India
3Department of Physics, University of Pune, Ganeshkhind, Pune, MS, India

*Corresponding Author: Prashant S Alegaonkar, Department of Physics, School of Basic Sciences, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, PS, India.

Received: December 13, 2022; Published: December 20, 2022


Radiation resistant coatings are of utmost importance for the space vehicle protection. Herein, we report on radiation assisted doping of boron and fluorine (B/F) in polyimide (C22H10N2O5, PMDA-ODA, Kapton-H) to enhance the erosion resistant capability against atomic oxygen (AO) ions. Doping of B/F in polyimide is carried out using Co-60 γ-radiations over a dose range of 64-384 kGy@room temperature. Boron is seen to be distributed at a depth of ~ 2 μm from the surface, whereas fluorine is bonded to carbonaceous backbone. Details of the bonding architecture is presented. Virgin and B/F polyimide are subjected to AO ions from plasma having an average energy of ~ 12 eV, and fluence over 5-20×1016 ions/cm2. The paper reports the analysis of the mass loss, erosion characteristics, modifications in surface texture apart from the molecular and electronic properties. By and large it is observed that the mass loss in prevented by three-fold times, wherein, erosion yield is reduced by a factor of two in B/F polyimide (@max. doping) as compared to that in the virgin. Effectively, the presence of boron and C-F bonding offers erosion resistance to polyimide by AO ions. Similar improvement in the radiation resistance for polyimide is expected for atomic oxygen. Details are presented.

Keywords: Atomic Oxygen; Plasma Treatment; Polyimide; Surface Modifications; Radiation Resistance


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Citation: Prashant S Alegaonkar., et al. “Anti-erosive Boron and Fluorine Doped Polyimide Coatings for Space Radiation Environment Protection". Acta Scientific Applied Physics 3.1 (2023): 29-38.


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