Chandan N1* and Shankar Sing2
1Scientific Director and Department HOD of Embryology, Womb Care Fertility, ARC Fertility, Aikya Fertility, Bangalore, India
2Kangaroo Care Fertility, Bangalore, India
*Corresponding Author: Chandan N, Scientific Director and Department HOD of Embryology, Womb Care Fertility, ARC Fertility, Aikya Fertility, Bangalore, India.
Received: March 27, 2024; Published: April 08, 2024
Bacterial contamination may cause loss or damage to cultured oocytes or embryos, resulting in the cancellation or delaying of a fresh embryo transfer, Other worrisome consequences include DNA fragmentation, poor-quality embryos, early pregnancy loss or preterm birth, While live births have been reported following the transfer of embryos contaminated with yeast, very little information is available on how to handle embryos with bacterial contamination Since IVF procedure is very expensive, in most of the cycle the infected embryos culture dish is discarded which causes big loss for patients who underwent IVF cycle apart from this, a patient undergoes a lot of financial and emotional stress which in turn impact negative remarks for IVF centre.
The aim of this research is to find a suitable procedure to decontaminate the infected culture system and recover back infected embryos into healthy embryos which are suitable for Embryo transfer to patients further aiming for a successful pregnancy.
Keywords: Recovering Embryos; Infections; Antibiotics; Embryology Lab; IVF Culture System
Citation: Chandan N and Shankar Sing. “Microbial Infections in IVF Culture System and Recovering Infected Embryos".Acta Scientific Women's Health 6.5 (2024): 07-09.
Copyright: © 2024 Chandan N and Shankar Sing. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.