Acta Scientific Women's Health (ASWH)

Case Report Volume 6 Issue 5

Nursing Care in Patients with Ectopic Pregnancy Who Under Go-On Fast Tract Surgery: 2 Case Study

Pattawipa Yarnprasert and Tawan Khetpanya*

Out of Patients Department, Kalasin Hospital, Ministry of Public Health Kalasin Province, Kalasin Province, Thailand

*Corresponding Author: Tawan Khetpanya, Out of Patients Department, Kalasin Hospital, Ministry of Public Health Kalasin Province, Kalasin Province, Thailand.

Received: March 18, 2024; Published: March 28, 2024


Background: Ectopic pregnancy was a high-risk of gynecological emergency and complicated to manage. If the fallopian tube ruptures, it will cause of shock from intra-abdominal hemorrhage, which can be life-threatened. Therefore, there must be closed and continuous care and observation by nurses in caring when there discharge according to nursing standards.

Objective: Comparative 2 case studies in nursing care for patients with ectopic pregnancies undergoing surgery in fast-track surgery according to nursing standards.

Methodology: This comparative case studied use case studied descriptive research methodology design to compare nursing process in fast tract surgery in ectopic pregnancy. Select case with purposive sampling who diagnosis with ectopic pregnancy and there visit in Kalasin hospital from April to July 2022 whole 2 case. Data collective with personal data collective form, observative form, in-dept interview form, Gordon's functional health patterns, medical record, a satisfaction questionnaire. Data analysis with descriptive, nursing diagnosis, nursing care and nursing outcome from first visit until discharge.

Result: Case studied 1 was a married Thai woman 26 years old G2P0A1L0 last 3 years visit at Kalasin hospital present with abdominal pain Rt. lower quadrant investigate by ultrasound found ectopic pregnancy with rupture Rt. fallopian tube with shock go on fast tract surgery post operative good recovery and good conscious no complication length of stay 3 days. In case studied 2 was Thai women 25 years old G3P2A0L2 post sterilize visit at Kalasin hospital present with lower abdominal pain left side with vaginal bleeding, urine pregnancy test was positive, ultrasound found ectopic pregnancy in left fallopian tube no rupture go on fast tract surgery on time post operative in fast tract surgery good conscious and recovery no complication, length of stay 3 days In summary from table 3 found that health problem all of 2 cases was similar 1) Hypovolemic shock related to abdominal bleeding evidenced by ultrasound found ectopic pregnancy with rupture Rt. fallopian tube with blood loss 2) Acute pain related to tissue injury from rupture ectopic pregnancy evidenced by grimacing, expression of pain and abdominal guarding. 3. Uncomfortable due to abdominal distension secondary to the operation received. 4. Risk to complication after surgery evidence by post operative salpingectomy and 5. Risk for Infection related to tissue injury from surgery. In addiction a differentiate nursing diagnosis between case study 1 and case study 2 was 1. Anxiety related to stress as evidenced by increased tension, apprehension, and expression of concern regarding upcoming surgery 2. Grieving and loss due to loss of pregnancy evidenced by ectopic pregnancy and rupture fallopian tube that problem was found in case study 1 but case study 2 was none.

Conclusion: The nursing outcome found that nursing care had been closely provided via expert nurses based on patient’s conditions to correct the shock. Finally, patient was safe from shock and other mentioned health problems. In addiction a differentiate of nursing diagnosis between 1st and 2nd case were anxiety case studied 1 was done related illness and operative but case studied 2 none because her experience in two time of caesarians section and own sterilized. Nursing care had been closely provided via expert nurses based on patient’s conditions to correct the shock. Finally, patient was safe from shock and other mentioned health problems.

Suggestion: In summary of this studied more over the result can use for data base for research instance research and development, quasi-experimental-research or can use result for developed for clinical nursing practice guideline.

Keywords: Case Study; Ectopic Pregnancy; Fast Tract Surgery; Nursing Care


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Citation: Pattawipa Yarnprasert and Tawan Khetpanya. “Nursing Care in Patients with Ectopic Pregnancy Who Under Go-On Fast Tract Surgery: 2 Case Study".Acta Scientific Women's Health 6.5 (2024): 18-23.


Copyright: © 2024 Pattawipa Yarnprasert and Tawan Khetpanya. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Acceptance rate30%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.278

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