Acta Scientific Neurology (ASNE) (ISSN: 2582-1121)

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 7

Conde-Reyes María de la Paz1*, Jiménez-Quiroz Rosalía1, Padilla Gámez Nélida2, Romero-Palencia Angélica3, López Becerra Claudia4, Guido Campuzano Martina Angélica1 and Castro Soto Reyes Laura Mercedes5

Conde-Reyes María de la Paz1*, Jiménez-Quiroz Rosalía1, Padilla Gámez Nélida2, Romero-Palencia Angélica3, López Becerra Claudia4, Guido Campuzano Martina Angélica1 and Castro Soto Reyes Laura Mercedes5

1National Institute of Perinatology, Department of Pediatric Follow-up, INPER, Mexico
2Faculty of University Studies of Iztacala, UNAM, Doctorate in Family Studies, CENCALLI Institute, Mexico
3La Salle University in Pachuca, Faculty of Human Sciences, Doctorate in Family Studies, CENCALLI Institute, Mexico
4National Pedagogic University, Doctorate in Family Studies, CENCALLI Institute, Mexico
5Ministry of Health, Mexico

*Corresponding Author: Conde-Reyes María de la Paz, National Institute of Perinatology, Department of Pediatric Follow-up, INPER, Mexico.

Received: June 02, 2021; Published: June 25, 2021


Introduction: A high risk birth implies more responsibilities for parents, who suffer negative effects in their global quality of life in a direct and indirect form, presenting disorders of the emotional sphere, amongst others. Perceiving their child as vulnerable, weak and sickly generates emotional sequelae in the parents that affect the child’s development.

Emotions are fundamental aspects of human relationships and are invariably involved in parenting as the first emotional links between parents and children are established. Parenting involves emotions related to the difficult task adults face since the beginning of their child’s life due to birth conditions. This may result in short and long-term altered emotional states that influence attitudes towards parenting and impact the high risk newborn’s development.

In Mexico, little has been inquired about parent emotions concerning parenting in this population.

Objective: This study has the objective of validating an emotional scale in parents concerning parenting of high risk newborns.

Materials and Methods: Non-experimental, exploratory, cross-sectional study with intentional non-probabilistic sampling of an only sample. 710 parents of children with a high risk birth who attended the pediatric follow-up at the National Institute of Perinatology (INper) participated. 73.2% (520) were women and 26.8% (190) men, with µ= 35.5 years (S.D.= 8.15) of age.

Results: An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was conducted using the method of main components with orthogonal rotation. The analysis yielded a Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin index that revealed a factorizable matrix (KMO = 0.829), as well as a significant Bartlett’s test of sphericity (p < .000), which allowed for an adequate factor analysis. The instrument included 14 items distributed in three factors: Guilt and fear, Joy and Happiness and States associated with negative emotions towards parenting that account for 54.16% of total variance, with a global Cronbach alpha of 0.81.

Conclusion: The present work emphasizes the relevance of having a scale that enables learning about emotions that parents experience when parenting a high risk child. It is concluded that the instrument is valid and reliable for the Mexican population. It is suggested to use it in clinical practice and in future studies side by side with other scales that contain variables or constructs related to parental emotions in their factorial structure.

Keywords: Parental Emotions; Parenting; High Risk Birth; Validation


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Citation: Conde-Reyes María de la Paz., et al. “Parenting of Children with a High Risk Birth in Mexico: Psychometric Validation of a Parental Emotional Scale”. Acta Scientific Neurology 4.7 (2021): 22-30.


Acceptance rate32%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days

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