Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences (ISSN: 2582-3183)

Research Article Volume 6 Issue 11

Health Defense Actions to Assurance Success of Control and Prevention Programs for Bovine Viral Diarrhea

Gustavo Costa Afonso Oliveira1, Danielle de Sá Mattos1, Jackeline Barbosa Teixeira1, Vagno Espíndola da Silva1, Júlia Mattos Pinheiro2 and Sérgio Eustáquio Lemos da Silva1*

1Centro Universitário do Triângulo, UNITRI, Brazil
2Federal University of Uberlândia, UFU, Brazil

*Corresponding Author: Sérgio Eustáquio Lemos da Silva, Centro Universitário do Triângulo, UNITRI, Brazil.

Received: October 08, 2024; Published: October 25, 2024


The production chain of cattle farming, whether for beef or dairy purposes, is subject to constant infectious challenges that circulate within the agribusiness sector, among which Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD) stands out, with its main impact being on animal reproduction. Given the importance of this disease to the economy, this work highlights the need to reflect on the effectiveness of sanitary defense actions against this illness, with a view to raising awareness of the already recommended actions and developing new preventive proposals to reduce its incidence. The general objective of this work was to research, describe, and analyze the actions of sanitary defense directed towards DVB, covering its transmission chain, as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of these actions in promoting animal health and reducing economic impacts. The study was conducted based on an exploratory bibliographic research using scientific databases. The inclusion and exclusion criteria were defined based on the proposal guiding the research, the identification of relevant studies through different sources, the composition of the explanatory content based on the search and inclusion/exclusion criteria, and the extraction of data related to the research question, including general information about the study. Based on the research, it was possible to observe that there is no specific national program developed for the prevention, control, or eradication of DVB. The general prophylactic measures developed and adopted for sanitary defense are the responsibility of animal health professionals, who establish strategies to prevent the introduction of the DVB virus on farms. Furthermore, knowledge of general prophylactic measures allows the entire production chain to enhance and direct its surveillance efforts towards DVB.

 Keywords: Abortions; Animals PI; Serology; Prophylaxis; Vaccination; Traffic Control


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Citation: Sérgio Eustáquio Lemos da Silva., et al. “Health Defense Actions to Assurance Success of Control and Prevention Programs for Bovine Viral Diarrhea". Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences 6.11 (2024): 24-28.


Copyright: © 2024 Sérgio Eustáquio Lemos da Silva., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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