Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences (ISSN: 2582-3183)

Research Article Volume 6 Issue 2

Standardization of Home-Made Skimmed Cow Milk with Tris Buffer for Turkey Semen Dilution and Preservation

Balogun Adedeji Suleimon*, Akinosun Akintunde Akinbola, Lawal Ibilola Azeezat, Olawoyin Soliu Abiodun and Hammed Barakat Bishola

Department of Animal Production Technology, Oyo State College of Agriculture and Technology, Igboora. Oyo State. Nigeria

*Corresponding Author: Balogun Adedeji Suleimon, Department of Animal Production Technology, Oyo State College of Agriculture and Technology, Igboora, Oyo State, Nigeria.

Received: August 16, 2023 Published: January 03, 2023


An experiment was design to standardize homemade skimmed cow milk (HSCM) concentration suitable for liquid preservation of tom semen. A cow was milked to harvest about one liter of milk from her udder. HSCM was prepared from FCM and different concentrations were used to formulate the extenders viz: 25%, 50%; 75%, and 100. Semen was ejaculated and pooled from five different toms. The pooled semen was divided into five parts, and four portions were diluted with different concentrations of HSCM extenders in the ratio of 1:3 (semen: extender), making five treatments. The samples were stored for 48h inside the refrigerator. Microscopic semen evaluation was done for motility, viability, and membrane integrity for both freshly diluted semen and samples preserved for 4hrs, 24h, and 48h at 4-8oC. The result revealed that the same non-significant values of 80.00% were recorded for motility in all treatments at 0h. At 4h and 24h periods of preservation, the highest value of motile sperm (55.00%, 41.67%) was recorded for 50% HSCM diluted tom semen, although was not significantly different (p > 0.05) from 25% and 75% HSCM. The highest percentage of live sperm of 92.67% was recorded for 25% HSCM but was not significantly different (p > 0.05) from 75% HSCM. No significant difference (p < 0.05) was observed for viability among the treatments at 4 and 24h. While at 48h, 75% HSCM has the highest significant value of 68.00% viability. Percentage membrane integrity of tom semen preserved with 25%, 50% and 75% HSCM showed no significant difference (p > 0.05) among the treatments from 0 to 24h of preservation. It is therefore concluded that 50% HSCM with 50% tris buffer is effective for the successful preservation of turkey semen.

Keywords: Home-Made; Skimmed Milk; Tris; Turkey; Semen; Preservation; Extender


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Citation: Balogun Adedeji Suleimon.,et al. “Standardization of Home-Made Skimmed Cow Milk with Tris Buffer for Turkey Semen Dilution and Preservation".Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences 6.2 (2024): 15-19.


Copyright: © 2024 Balogun Adedeji Suleimon.,et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Acceptance rate35%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.008

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