Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences (ISSN: 2582-3183)

Research Article Volume 5 Issue 12

Epidemiological Indicators of Classical Swine Fever that Occurred in Brazil in 2019 and Implications for Global Porcine Market

Renata Vieira Chaves Gabriel1, Isabela Gonçalves da Silva1, Lara Ellen Correa Nogueira Silva1, Alexandra Cristina Silva1, Alcione da Silva Fernandes Dinato1, Eduardo Souza Dinato1, Lindomar Pereira da Silva Filho2 and Sérgio Eustáquio Lemos da Silva1*

1Centro Universitário do Triângulo, UNITRI, Brazil
2Faculdade Presidente Antônio Carlos, UNIPAC, Brazil

*Corresponding Author: Sérgio Eustáquio Lemos da Silva, Centro Universitário do Triângulo, UNITRI, Brazil.

Received: October 30, 2023 Published: November 16, 2023


Classical Swine Fever (CSF) is an infectious disease, caused by the Pestivirus and highly contagious, being considered of mandatory notification by the OIE. Considering the cases of CSF that occurred in Brazil in 2019, this article sought to correlate the epidemiological indicators recorded in the national territory with risk factors that predispose to the incidence of this disease, as well as with the components of the epidemiological chain that are associated with prevention and the consequences for the economy of the sector. The study revealed that in the first half of 2019, 667 cases were confirmed. On the other hand, in the second half of the year, 79 cases were confirmed, with the states of Piauí, Ceará, and Alagoas registering the highest prevalence of the disease. In the period analyzed, in the regions of incidence of the disease, 1303 and 336 pigs were susceptible to the virus in the first semester and second semester, respectively; that is, they were exposed to the risk of getting sick. Therefore, analyzing and understanding the health indicators of CSF in the Brazilian territory (in space) and in the year 2019 (in time), means a way to ensure that the Brazilian pork market continues to grow, in addition to developing and improving plans for the control, prevention and eradication of the disease.

Keywords: Pestivirus; Pig farming; Incidence; Prevalence


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Citation: Sérgio Eustáquio Lemos da Silva., et al.“Epidemiological Indicators of Classical Swine Fever that Occurred in Brazil in 2019 and Implications for Global Porcine Market".Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences 5.12 (2023): 46-54.


Copyright: © 2023 Sérgio Eustáquio Lemos da Silva., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Acceptance rate35%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.008

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