Ankitkumar J Thesiya*
Department of Dairy Technology, College of Dairy Science and postgraduate Institute of Dairy Education and Research, Kamdhenu University, India
*Corresponding Author: Ankitkumar J Thesiya, Department of Dairy Technology, College of Dairy Science and postgraduate Institute of Dairy Education and Research, Kamdhenu University, India.
Received: March 03, 2023; Published: May 01, 2023
The stomach, a vital component of the human digestive system, produces hydrochloric acid, an essential element in the chemical breakdown of food. However, the acid produced continuously challenges the acid-base neutrality in the digestive tract, which the robust digestive system typically maintains. Unfortunately, modern times have led to a stressful lifestyle and an erratic diet, which has made people more prone to ailments that can disrupt the balance of H+ concentration in the body. Excessive or uncontrolled acid secretion can cause a problematic condition known as hyperacidity or heartburn, affecting 10-20% of the global population and potentially leading to severe complications like peptic ulcers, esophagitis, and Barrett’s esophagus. The most commonly used agents for controlling hyperacidity are pharmaceutical antacids.
Citation: Ankitkumar J Thesiya., et al. “Milk as an Antacid in the Human System". Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences 5.6 (2023): 01-02.
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