Dayamoy Mondal*, Shyamal Naskar and Tapas Kumar Biswas
Principal Scientist, ERS-IVRI, Kolkata, India
*Corresponding Author: Dayamoy Mondal, Principal Scientist, ERS-IVRI, Kolkata, India.
Received: January 19, 2023; Published: February 15, 2023
Ghungroo pig are larger native breed of pig that are distributed in west Bengal particularly in tarai and duars region of Himalayan regions of West Bengal of Darjiling, Jalpaiguri and Coochbihar districts. The animal being native to West Bengal is reared easily in household and farm conditions with effective productivity. The breed is now disseminated amongst the farmers of plain areas though Animal Science University and Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Kolkata. Scientific productivity of this pig found well aclimatized in the plain land and humid condition. Disease prevalence, morbidity, and mortality of this breed not much reported. In Eastern Regional Station, IVRI, Kalyani Farm a sizable numbers of pigs are maintained under AICRP Pig, where morbidity and causes of mortality database documented. More than five years (June, 2017to October 2022) of mortality has been analysed based on causes of disease deaths. A total of 294 deaths were recorded of monthwise population of 5680 correspoding to 5. 17% mortality. Age wise highest mortality recorded in piglets followed by weaners and adults corresponding to 8. 407, 5. 09 and 1. 425% respectively. Mortality in males (7. 364% is higher than females (3. 7645%). Highest mortality estimated in May (8. 043%) and least in October (2. 089%). The causes of mortality were wide with 27 diseases and conditions namely abortion, asphyxia, anaemia, bloat/tympany, cardiac failure, crushing, cystitis, debility, dehydration, enteritis, encephalitis, erysipellosis, hypoglycemia, impaction, indigestion, inanition, heat stress, hepatitis, hernia, maningitis, nephritis, pneumonia, pyometra, septicemia, shock and wound complication. High mortality above 5% with pneumonia, crushing hypoglycemia, debility, inanition, and enteritis corresponding to14. 3, 12. 6, 12. 6, 7. 14, 6. 12 and 5. 78% respectively.
Keywords: Diseases; Epizootic; Ghoonroo; Mortality; Swine
Citation: Dayamoy Mondal., et al. “Epizootics Associated in Ghoongroo Pig Mortality in an Organized Farm Under Hot and Humid Climatic Condition in West Bengal, India".Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences 5.3 (2023): 47-52.
Copyright: © 2023 Dayamoy Mondal., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.