Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences (ISSN: 2582-3183)

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 12

Study of some biological traits and population dynamics of the European sea bass from Bardawil Lagoon, Sinai, Egypt

Alahmady Shafeek Al-Zahaby, Mohamed Ahmad Aly, El-drawany*, Haten hanafy Mahmoud and Mohamad Abdelnaby Abdalla

Department of Zoology, Zagazig University, Egypt

*Corresponding Author: Mohamed Ahmad Aly, El-drawany, Department of Zoology, Zagazig University, Egypt.

Received: November 04, 2022; Published: November 22, 2022


Random samples of European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax (Linnaeus, 1758), were collected from different landing sites of Bardawil Lagoon, Egypt in order to investigate some of its biological aspects and population dynamics. This was done during the fishing seasons of 2011 and 2012, since the total length of samples was ranged from 18 to 62 cm. and total weight was fluctuated between 37.8 and 2250 g. Length-weight relationship was Tw = 0.007*TL3.075. The estimated total length at first capture (Lc) was 19.06 cm, while the total length at first maturity (Lm) was 25.9cm. The parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth function (VBGF) in length were K = 0.32 year-1, L∞ = 69.11cm and t0 = - 0.28 year. The mean of total mortality (Z), fishing mortality (F) and natural mortality (M) were 0.918, 0.471 and0.447 respectively. While the exploitation rate (E) was 0.513, which means that the stock of S. aurata in Bardawil Lake was worryingly exploited. Sea water enters the lagoon at present.

Keywords: European Sea Bass; Dicentrarchus Labrax; Bardawil Lagoon; Population Dynamics; Biological Traits; Length-Weight Relationship


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Citation: El-drawany., et al. “Study of some biological traits and population dynamics of the European sea bass from Bardawil Lagoon, Sinai, Egypt".Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences 4.12 (2022): 100-122.


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