Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences (ISSN: 2582-3183)

Opinion Volume 4 Issue 12

Out-of-Session: An Animal Trainer’s Thoughts on Out-of-Session Reinforcement Value of Yourself

Jason Brad Putter*

Department of Marine Mammals, Independent, South Africa

*Corresponding Author:ason Brad Putter, Department of Marine Mammals, Independent, South Africa.

Received: November 10, 2022; Published: November 15, 2022


To all animal trainers, DIY trainers, veterinarians, marine mammal specialists, zoological specialists, zookeepers, rangers, and everyone in between. Your Presence is always noticed when you are around an animal, they are always watching what we do, and our actions can reinforce/punish them outside a formal training session, so it is always important to remember that your actions will influence the behaviours that are presented.



    Citation: Jason Brad Putter. “Out-of-Session: An Animal Trainer’s Thoughts on Out-of-Session Reinforcement Value of Yourself". Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences 4.12 (2022): 50-51.


    Copyright: © 2022 Jason Brad Putter. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Acceptance rate35%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.008

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