Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences (ISSN: 2582-3183)

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 11

The Effect of Artificial Photoperiod and Water Temperature Program on the Reproductive Performance, Hormonal Profile and Maturation Stages of Male Gilthead Sea Bream (Sparus aurata)

Mohamed F Badran1*, Mohamed A El-Danasoury2, Safaa M Sharaf2 and Ahmed M Hassan3

1Aquatic Hatchery Production Department, Fish Farming and Technology Institute, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt

2Department of Animal Production and Fish Resources, Faculty of Agriculture, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt

3Department of Animal Hygiene, Zoonoses and Behaviour, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt

*Corresponding Author:Mohamed F Badran, Aquatic Hatchery Production Department, Fish Farming and Technology Institute, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt.

Received: August 02, 2022; Published: October 15, 2022


The Gilthead Sea bream (Sparus aurata) is an important commercial species in the Egyptian coasts of Mediterranean Sea and the most relevant marine species in Mediterranean aquaculture. Water temperature and photoperiod are the most important factors driving sexual maturation in fish. This study investigates the effect of artificial photoperiod and water temperature programs on reproductive performance, gonadal maturation and the hormonal profile of male gilthead sea bream. 102 Gilthead Sea bream (males) which used in the present study were collected from Manzala Lake in Damietta governorate and Suez Canal Company for Fish Farming and Aquaculture at Ismailia Governorate, Egypt. This study shows the possibility of Gilthead Sea bream induced maturation in captivity by exposing to a program of water temperature (from 21.5 - 18°C) and artificial photoperiod for 4 months to complete the maturation and spawning. The results showed that biological measurements, sex hormone levels and histological sections estimate the maturation stages. The highest value of the male gonadal weight and GSI and the peak levels of FSH, LH, Total and Free Testosterone in males at T2 at TP4. It could be concluded that exposure to artificial photoperiod and water temperature programs can be used to control the spawning season of gilthead sea bream to start before or after the normal season of spawning. Also, it could be possible to induce maturation in captivity when the water temperature is at 18 and 19 °C through the artificial photoperiod and water temperature programs to reach the final gonadal maturation and release sperm.

Keywords: Gilthead Sea Bream; Gonadal Maturation; Testis, Water Temperature; Artificial Photoperiod; Sparus aurata


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Citation: Mohamed F Badran., et al. “The Effect of Artificial Photoperiod and Water Temperature Program on the Reproductive Performance, Hormonal Profile and Maturation Stages of Male Gilthead Sea Bream (Sparus aurata)".Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences 4.11 (2022): 134-147.



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