Dayaram Suryawanshi*, Sonali Shete, Erika Alphonso, Omika Pinjari, Mayuri Bhane and Pavan Pawar
Department of Pathology, Omega Laboratories, Lonand, Maharashtra, India
*Corresponding Author: Dayaram Suryawanshi, Department of Pathology, Omega Laboratories, Lonand, Maharashtra, India.
Received: July 26, 2022; Published: August 11, 2022
Total 204 cases of acute fasciola i.e., immature fasciola were presented for diagnostic post-mortem at Omega Laboratories, Lonand, Maharashtra. Out of 204 case 122 cases were of sheep and 82 were of goats. Higher incidence of fasciola infestations were noticed in month of May. Sudden death in these sheep and goats were noticed due to severe internal bleeding. This internal bleeding was observed due to rupture of liver and rupture of lungs. All the 204 animals showed involvement of lungs which is considered as rare in other countries. Specific treatment with Ivermectin + Clorsulone (Neomec SXTM) and supportive treatment with HemokrutR and TransferrinTM were found to be beneficial for the complete recovery from the disease. Avoiding grazing around the stagnated water, where the population of snails is higher is the crucial step to prevent re-infestation and infestation of fasciola in sheep and goats.
Keywords:Immature Fasciola; Sheep and Goats; Maharashtra; Month of May; Neomec SxTM; HemokrutR TransferrinTM
Citation: Dayaram Suryawanshi., et al. “Pathology and Management of Acute Immature Fasciola Infestation in Sheep and Goats in Western Maharashtra". Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences 4.9 (2022): 13-19.
Copyright: © 2022 Dayaram Suryawanshi., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.