Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences (ISSN: 2582-3183)

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 8

Proximate, Anti-Nutritional and Ascorbic Acid Composition of Baobab Fruit Pulp Meal and its Efficiency in Ameliorating the Impact of Heat Stress on Growth and Blood Indices of Broiler Chicks

RJ Wafar, Ojinnaka PE and Ndubuisi DI*

Department of Animal Production and Health, Federal University Wukari, Taraba State, Nigeria

*Corresponding Author: Ndubuisi DI, Department of Animal Production and Health, Federal University Wukari, Taraba State, Nigeria.

Received: July 04, 2022; Published: July 26, 2022


Background: As global warming is getting severe, the environmental temperature has continued to rise in the recent years. Heat stress disrupts the performance, physiological, hormones and behavioural attributes of chickens, hence antioxidants are required in micro quantities to counter the deleterious effect of reactive oxygen species [ROS] during heat stress.

Aim: A study was conducted to investigate the nutrient and anti-nutrient compositions of Baobab fruit pulp meal [BFPM] as source of organic ascorbic acid and its ameliorative effect on broiler chicks during heat stress. A total of two hundred and fifty-six, day old Cobb 500 broiler chicks were randomly allotted to four experimental treatments [0, 68, 136 and 204 mgAA/kg], with four replicates each in a completely randomized design. All the data that was generated during the study was subjected to general linear model of SAS and means were compared using Tukey’s procedure.

Results: Results indicated that BFPM contains substantial amount of nutrients with limited anti-nutritional factors. Growth performance of broiler chicks were similar [p > 0.05] across the treatments except for FCR which was better [p < 0.05] for birds feed the control diet [1.39g] and 68 mgAA/kg [1.40g]. Feed cost/kg gain was least for birds feed the control diet. Haematological parameters were similar [p > 0.05] and within normal physiological ranges. Serum indices were similar except for low density lipoprotein [LDL] and Alanine Amino-Transferase [ALT]. Chicks fed 68 [111.00 mg/dL] and 136 [123.50 mg/dL] mgAA supplemented diet had higher [p < 0.05] values of LDL than other treatments while ALT was higher in chicks fed 136 [55.50 μ/L] mgAA supplemented diet. Cortisol was down-regulated [p < 0.05] in chicks fed both the control [6.0 ng/mL] and 68 [4.8 ng/mL] mgAA supplemented diet. Thyroxine was similar [p > 0.05] in all groups.

Conclusion: Ascorbic acid content of BFPM in this study did not negatively affect the growth and haematology of broiler chicks except for FCR. Supplementation of BFPM at 68 and 136 mgAA/kg in the diet of broiler chicks during heat stress conditions improved LDL. ALT and cortisol was also improved in chicks fed diet supplemented with 68 mg of ascorbic acid. BFPM can be used as excellent source of ascorbic acid in the diet of broiler chicks during hot temperatures to alleviate the deleterious effect free radicals.

Keywords: Ascorbic Acid; Baobab; Growth; Haematology; Serum; Temperature


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Citation: Gayathri S Lal., et al. “On Farm Diagnostics and Preventive Measures for Mastitis in Dairy Bovines Category: Review Article". Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences 4.8 (2022): 158-169.


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