Jorge Luis Sánchez Palomino*, Hugo Javier Alvarado Álvarez, Lidia Leonor Paredes Lozano, Gustavo Adolfo Vásconez Galarza and Ketty Beatriz Murillo Cano
Department of Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo, Technical University of Babahoyo, Ecuador
*Corresponding Author: Jorge Luis Sánchez Palomino, Department of Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo, Technical University of Babahoyo, Ecuador.
Received: February 01, 2022; Published: February 15, 2022
Toxocariasis is an invasive, zoonotic and cosmopolitan disease, produced by the biological etiological agents Toxocara canis and Toxocara cati. The objective of this research is to give the value that this topic deserves for human health, by investigating its prevalence in Matilde Esther, Ecuador; It was carried out during the months of September-December 2021; 110 canines were investigated, evaluating the variables, ages, sexes, races, origin, type of feeding, related to the disease, randomly, without discrimination, considering the study, observational, epizootiological, non-probabilistic, applying a non-experimental, descriptive, prospective design, cross; The data were weighted through contingency tables, using the Chi square statistic, plus the SPSS statistical program, where the prevalence of parasites was demonstrated, facilitating their multiplication and development, increasing the risk of damage in humans, in a revealing and alarming.
Keywords: Canines; Cosmopolitan; Infestation; Nematodes; Syndrome; Zoonoses
Citation: Jorge Luis Sánchez Palomino., et al. “Analysis of the Prevalence of Canine Toxocariasis in Matilde Esther, Ecuador, and its Connotation in Human Health". Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences 4.3 (2022): 14-17.
Copyright: © 2022 Jorge Luis Sánchez Palomino., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.