Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences (ISSN: 2582-3183)

Research Article Volume 3 Issue 10

Copepod Diversity from Seasonal Wetland in Ambajogai of Beed District, Maharashtra, India

VB Sakhare1 and SG Jetithor2

1Post Graduate, Department of Zoology, Yogeshwari Mahavidyalaya, India
2Department of Fishery Science, Yashwantrao Chavan College, Tuljapur, India

*Corresponding Author: VB Sakhare, Post Graduate, Department of Zoology, Yogeshwari Mahavidyalaya, India.

Received: August 23, 2021; Published: September 23, 2021


  A systematic investigation on diversity and dynamics of copepods from seasonal wetland of Ambajogai town of Beed district (Maharashtra, India) was carried out for a period of one year (from October 2018 to September 2019). The present investigation revealed the occurrence of 7 species of copepods. The copepod diversity fluctuated seasonally and the maximum number of 215 organisms/liter was recorded during month of March and minimum number of 75 organisms/liter during the month of August.

Keywords: Copepod Diversity; Seasonal Wetland; Maharashtra; India


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Citation: VB Sakhare and SG Jetithor. “Copepod Diversity from Seasonal Wetland in Ambajogai of Beed District, Maharashtra, India". Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences 3.10 (2021): 58-61.


Copyright: © 2021 VB Sakhare and SG Jetithor. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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