Gene Banking for Fish Germplasm Conservation
SK Raghuvanshi* and S Kumar
Limnology and Aquatic Biotechnology Lab, PG Department of Zoology, Bareilly College, Bareilly-243005 UP, India.
*Corresponding Author: SK Raghuvanshi, Limnology and Aquatic Biotechnology Lab, PG Department of Zoology, Bareilly College, Bareilly-243005 UP, India.
September 01, 2021; Published: September 20, 2021
During recent years, the importance and need of fish biodiversity conservation has raised widespread concerns at global-level. This is because biodiversity is directly related to improvement of ecological productivity. The population of fishes is decreasing day-by-day due to changing climatic conditions as well as anthropogenic factors like, over-exploitation, habitat destruction, invasion of exotic species as well as urbanization and modernization. As a result, species extinction rate is thousand-times more as compared to the background rate. This emphasizes the need of developing and modernizing the fish seed production technology in eco-regime for stocking the water bodies and developing culture practices for long-term benefits of the inhabitants. In the present situation, where fish stocks are declining at alarming rate, conservation of fish germplasm resources can be considered as a promising and effective measure to counter the depletion rate in the future. Cryopreservation of gametes is basically a technique for storage of sperm/ova at very low temperature (-1960C) for long period of time in viable and fertilizable sate. This paper emphasizes the importance of ex-situ conservation of fish germplasm through gene banking.
Keywords: Gene Banking; Germplasm; Fish Biodiversity; Ex-situ Conservation; Cryopreservation
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