Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences (ISSN: 2582-3183)

Letter to Editor Volume 3 Issue 3

Multidisciplinary Vision in the Teaching of Veterinary Medicine

Navarro C**

Associate Professor according to FAVET, Department of Animal Preventive Medicine, FAVET, University of Chile, Chile

*Corresponding Author: Navarro C, Associate Professor according to FAVET, Department of Animal Preventive Medicine, FAVET, University of Chile, Chile.

Received: January 06, 2021; Published: January 30, 2021



  The fabulous world of veterinary medicine has been uncovered years ago in history. The study of some pathologies such as canine distemper is proof of this. There are many others that without the multidisciplinary approach today would still be in a precarious situation, because since Mochizuki., et al., in 1999 described new genotypes of the canine distemper virus that story changed. This brief report does nothing but improve the current multidisciplinary approach of Veterinary Medicine, today more important considering the concept of One Health.

Keywords: Veterinary Medicine; Veterinary Doctors



  1. Mochizuki M., et al. “Genotypes of canine distemper virus determined by analysis of the hemagglutinin genes of recent isolates from dogs in Japan”. Journal of Clinical Microbiology9 (1999): 2936-2942.
  2. Correa V., et al. “Promising use of Polymerase Chain Reaction Associated to Reverse Transcription for the Detection of the America-1 Lineage of Canine Distemper Virus”. International Journal of Research Studies in Zoology (2019).
  3. Mateo F., et al. “The Phosphoprotein Gene from Canine Distemper Virus as Target in Viral Detection”.
  4. International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences (2019).
  5. Sepúlveda-Estay C., et al. “Detección molecular del gen de la glicoproteína B del virus herpes feline”. Vaccimonitor (2019).
  6. Pincheira D., et al. “Molecular detection of distemper canine virus through the use of the Large Polymerase Gene”. East African Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Life Sciences (2018).
  7. Macías P and Navarro C. “Molecular detection of feline Herpesvirus by means PolymeraseChain Reaction”. Journal of Dairy and Veterinary Sciences 3 (2018): 555736.
  8. Fuentes A., et al. “Genomic characterization of Canine Herpes Virus, the etiological agent of fatal hemorhagic disease in newborn puppies”. EMS Veterinary Science Journal (2018).
  9. Salas V., et al. “Phylogenetic analysis of canine distemper virus detected in Chile”. IJCR (2018).
  10. Céspedes P., et al. “Molecular detection of resistance genes to biocides in Nosocomial bacteria”. Veterinary Sciences and Medicine.
  11. Céspedes P., et al. “Modulación de la respuesta inmune durante la infección por virus distemper canino: implicancias terapéuticas y en el desarrollo de vacunas”. Archivos de Medicina Veterinaria 42 (2010).
  12. Bolívar P., et al. “Use of the Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain reaction for differential detection of two lineages of the canine distemper virus in Chile”. Insights in Veterinary Science (2019).


Citation: Navarro C. “Multidisciplinary Vision in the Teaching of Veterinary Medicine". Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences 3.3 (2021): 01-02.


Acceptance rate35%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.008

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