Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences (ASVS)(ISSN: 2582-3183)

Research Article Volume 2 Issue 6

Prevalence of Bovine Trypanosomosis and Apparent Density of Tsetse Flies in Selected Districts of Dawuro Zone, Southern Ethiopia

Ataro Abera*

Livestock and Fishery Resource Development Department, Dawuro Zone, Tercha, Ethiopia

*Corresponding Author: Ataro Abera, Livestock and Fishery Resource Development Department, Dawuro Zone, Tercha, Ethiopia.

Received: March 26, 2020; Published: May 13, 2020



  Trypanosomosis is a parasitic disease that causes serious economic losses in livestock in sub-Saharan African countries. A cross sectional study was conducted from April 2019 up to November 2019 in selected districts of Dawuro Zone, Southern Ethiopia to determine the prevalence of bovine Trypanosomosis and apparent density of tsetse flies. A total of 384 blood samples were collected from randomly selected animals for prevalence study. The determined Packed Cell Volume (PCV) was examined for the presence of trypanosomes using the buffy coat technique. Forty two [42 (10.94%)] of the samples were tested positive for trypanosomes. Among which, 25 (59.52%) found to be infected by T. congolense while 9 (21.43%) was infected by T. vivax and 8 (19.04%) was also infected by mixed species. The prevalence difference between the study PAs was statistically significant (p < 0.05). The mean PCV value of non-anemic animals (28.24%) was significantly higher than that of anemic animals (20.68%). From a total 65 deployed monopyramidal traps, 139 tsetse flies were collected. From the total caught tsetse flies in the study sites, 47.48% were G. pallidipes, 48.20% G. fuscipes and 7.19% G. m. submorsitans. An overall apparent density of tsetse flies was 2.37 flies per trap per day. The final result of this finding was revealed that trypanosomes and their vectors are prevalent and imitate a huge threat to cattle production in selected districts of Dawuro Zone. Hence, appropriate intervention strategies should be implemented to minimize the burden of the disease.

Keywords: Apparent Density; Cattle; Dawuro; Prevalence; PCV, Trypanosomosis



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Citation: Ataro Abera. “Prevalence of Bovine Trypanosomosis and Apparent Density of Tsetse Flies in Selected Districts of Dawuro Zone, Southern Ethiopia”. Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 2.6 (2020): 02-09.


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