Rodrigo Martins Ribeiro1*, Pedro Henrique Carvalho Oliveira2, Raiane Lima de Oliveira2, Glaucenir de Souza e Silva3 and Debora da Silva Freitas Ribeiro1
1Lecturer in University Center of Mineiros (UNIFIMES), Brazil
2Veterinary Medicine Academic, University Center of (UNIFIMES), Brazil
3Biomedical in ANÁLISE Laboratory Located in the City of Mineiros – GO, Brazil
*Corresponding Author: Rodrigo Martins Ribeiro, Lecturer in University Center of Mineiros (UNIFIMES), Brazil.
Received: January 29, 2020; Published: February 06, 2020
Insulin sensitivity is a determinant factor for the development of equine metabolic syndrome. The identification of more accessible methods to be used in clinical practice is essential to enable early intervention of animals with this condition. The objective of this experiment was to measure insulin values, basal glucose, proxies and analyze their behavior in the equine population located in the city of Mineiros-GO. A total of 74 horses were evaluated to analyze glycemia, insulinemia and the HOMA-IR, RISQI, MIRG and G: I proxies in all animals separated by age group, body condition and by gender. For the statistical analysis the data with normal distribution were analyzed by analysis of variance, followed by the Tukey test. The results were submitted to analysis of variance, with Tukey-Kramer post-test, the analysis of the coefficient of correction of proxies, (P≤0.05). It was observed that the insulin sensitivity in the equine population of this study is lower when compared to other studies, with alterations in blood glucose values between foals with other age groups (p<0.05) and alteration between proxies G:I, MIRG and RISQI among the lean to optimal body condition group (p<0.05).
Keywords:Horses; Obesity; Metabolic Syndrome
Citation: Rodrigo Martins Ribeiro., et al. “Assessment of Insulin Resistance Diagnostic Techniques in Equine Locations in the City of Mineiros - GO" Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences 2.3 (2020): 13-19.
Copyright: © 2020 Rodrigo Martins Ribeiro., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.