Acta Scientific Reproductive Biology (ASRB)

Research Article Volume 1 Issue 1

Male Infertility According to the WHO, Semen Analysis 2010, DNA Exploitation, Genetic Tests and Functional Examination

Mustafa Zakaria1*, Noureddine Louanjli2, Mohamed Ennaji3, Malak Jamil3, Amal Kabit3, Achraf Zakaria4 and Mohamed Zarqaoui5

1General Practitioner, MSc of Reproductive Biology, Clinical Pathology and Assisted Reproductive Technology, Consultant at IRIFIV Fertility Center, Casablanca, Morocco
2Reproductive Biology, Head of LABOMAC Laboratory, of clinical Analysis and Assisted Reproductive Technology IRIFIV Center, AFC Center, Casablanca, Morocco
3Senior Clinical Embryologist at IRIFIV Fertility Center Morocco
4Sperm Analysis ART Technical Biologist at Labomac | Medical Analysis Laboratory, Morocco
5Endoscopic Surgery Fertility Specialist, Gynecologist obstetrician, General Medical Coordinator of IRIFIV Fertility Center Casablanca, Morocco

*Corresponding Author: Mustafa Zakaria, General Practitioner, MSc of Reproductive Biology, Clinical Pathology and Assisted Reproductive Technology, Consultant at IRIFIV Fertility Center, Casablanca, Morocco.

Received: July 27, 2020; Published: August 31, 2020



  Infertility is a reproductive system pathology defined by absence of pregnancy, without contraception, after at least 12 months of frequent sexual intercourse. Male infertility affects 10 to 15 per cent of men of reproductive age and impacts more than 50 per cent of cases of infertility, whether or not associated with a female cause. Thanks to the introduction of new concepts and medical progress at the diagnostic and the therapeutic levels, the management of male infertility constantly evolves. It is difficult to identify the causes of male infertility, since it is often complex and related. They may contribute to the different stages of sperm production and/or transport of spermatozoa, and may be acquired or congenital. The involvement of the environment in male infertility has been the subject of a lot of research for several years. When a man is treated for infertility, all factors which may affect fertility must be considered and a full assessment must be made. Exploration must begin with an interrogation and a clinical examination. The first thing to do is to suggest a semen analysis, as known as spermogram. More specialized sperm tests can help refine the diagnosis. Medical imagery, hormonal examination and genetic testing are needed in some situations. Etiological management of male infertility is sometimes possible. In the absence of a known cause, symptomatic treatments are available. Medically assisted procreation techniques are offered as a last resort. After conducting several researches in MEDLINE (PubMed), UpToDate, this article will review male infertility and its causes, semen analysis, the etiology and mechanisms of sperm DNA damage, genetic defects, and improvement of male infertility factor within ICSI.

Keywords: Male Infertility; Sperm Testing and Semen Analysis; Sperm morphology; The Genetic Control of Male Infertility and Understanding the Y chromosome; Sperm DNA testing on male infertility. Chromosomal Abnormalities and DNA Damage; Etiologies Immune Infertility; Oxidative Stress; Genetic Defects; Improvement of Male Infertility Factor in ICSI



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Citation: Mustafa Zakaria., et al. “Male Infertility According to the WHO, Semen Analysis 2010, DNA Exploitation, Genetic Tests and Functional Examination". Acta Scientific Reproductive Biology 1.1 (2020): 01-08.

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