Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences (ASPS) (ISSN: 2581-5423)

Research Article Volume 5 Issue 1

Forensic Pharmacy: Some Risk Factors in the Formation of Addictive Health Disorders

Viktoriya O Shapovalova1, Svitlana I Zbrozhek1, Valentyn V Shapovalov1,2*, Valeriy V Shapovalov1

11Medical and Pharmaceutical Law, General and Clinical Pharmacy Department, Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kharkiv, Ukraine
2Advocates Company “Apotheosis”, Kharkiv, Ukraine

*Corresponding Author: Valentyn V Shapovalov, Medical and Pharmaceutical Law, General and Clinical Pharmacy Department, Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kharkiv, Ukraine.

Received: November 03, 2020; Published: December 22, 2020



  Presented correlation analysis of medical and social risk factors in the formation of addictive disorders in Ukraine. Established the probability that the indicators of social risk factors influence the indicators of medical risk factors in relation to the number of cases of diseases of the nervous system. The results obtained as a whole testify to the need for the further development of national programs for prevention of the development of addictive disorders due to the irrational use and abuse of psychoactive substances of different classification and legal groups. The following factors were found to be of the greatest importance: indicators of medical risk factors, which indicate the number of first reported cases of diseases and the number of cases of diseases of the nervous system; as well as a social risk factor for the circulation of psychoactive substances of different classification and legal groups.

Keywords: Pharmaceutical Law; Forensic Pharmacy; Addictive Disorders; Medical Risk Factors; Social Risk Factors; Circulation; Correlation



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Citation: Valentyn V Shapovalov., et al. “Forensic Pharmacy: Some Risk Factors in the Formation of Addictive Health Disorders". Acta Scientific Microbiology 5.1 (2021): 54-59.


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