Acta Scientific Pharmacology

Research Article Volume 3 Issue 9

A Study to Assess the Level of Stress Among Nurses Working in Selected Hospitals of Ferozepur District Punjab

Gurmeet Singh Sarla* and Manreet Sandhu

Senior Registrar 159 GH, India

*Corresponding Author: Gurmeet Singh Sarla, Senior Registrar 159 GH, India.

Received: July 11, 2022 Published: August 15, 2022


Aim: A study was compassed to evaluate the level of stress among the nurses working in selected hospitals of Ferozepur district of Punjab.

Methods: A quantitative research approach with a descriptive design was selected for the present study. Selective sampling technique was used and 100 subjects were selected. A socio demographic sheet and the perceived stress scale was used to analyse the magnitude of stress among nurses working in selected hospitals of Ferozepur district of Punjab. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to scrutinise the data.

Results: 30% of the nurses were in the age group of 20-30 years, 50% in the age group between 30-40 years and 20% were above 40 years of age. 40% of nurses were GNM qualified and 60% of them possessed a degree of B.Sc. Nursing. 38% of the nurses considered in the study were married and 62% of them were unmarried. 48% nurses had a work experience between 10-20 years and 52% had an experience between 20-40 years. 37% of the nurses involved themselves in gardening, 13% of them spent their free time in working out and in aerobic exercises, 32% of them involved themselves in reading books and 18% performed various religious activities as recreational activities during free time.

Conclusion: The study shows that 22% of the working nurses have no stress, 24% of them have mild levels of stress, 12% suffer from moderate levels of stress and 42% nurses have severe stress.

Keywords: Stress; Nurse; Hospital; Stress Scale


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Citation: Gurmeet Singh Sarla and Manreet Sandhu. “A Study to Assess the Level of Stress Among Nurses Working in Selected Hospitals of Ferozepur District Punjab". Acta Scientific Pharmacology 3.9 (2022): 08-12.


Copyright: © 2022 Gurmeet Singh Sarla and Manreet Sandhu. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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