Acta Scientific Pharmacology

Perspective Volume 2 Issue 10

Three Questions: How and Why Newton’s Third Law Must be Extended/Generalized?

Ajay Sharma*

Fundamental Physics Society, His Mercy Enclave, HP, India

*Corresponding Author: Ajay Sharma, Fundamental Physics Society, His Mercy Enclave, HP, India.

Received: September 13, 2021; Published: September 23, 2021

Original law ‘To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction.

Reaction = - Action

Extended/generalized law: Reaction -Q Action, Q is coefficient of proportionality


  1. Newton I. Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy. Book I, Middle Temple Gate in fleet street, London 1 (1729): 19-20
  2. Sharma A. Acta Ciencia Indica3 (1999): 113.
  3. Sharma A. in American Association of Physics Teachers, SM 18 Washington DC, USA. presented as, Role of Characteristics of Bodies in Newton's Third Law of Motion , July 28-Aug.1 (2018): 150-151.
  4. Report of Director National Physical Laboratory (Council of scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi). Theme of report: “The shape of bodies is not taken in account by Newton’s Third Law of Motion. Thus originality of thought is not denied. If, proven, yes the opportunity is huge. The investigator may re-submit the project with details of experimentations and list of required instrumentations” (2019).
  5. Gordon R. Shape and characteristics of body may play significant role on presentation at SM 18 of American Association of Physics Teachers, Washington. Theme of Report “The experiments may lead to final confirmation either in original or generalized form of Third Law of Motion. The Association wishes him all the best in pursuits” (2018).
  6. Sharma A. The Principia’s Third Law of Motion: Revisited and Generalized Proceedings of 105th Indian Science Congress 2018. Physical Sciences 145 (2018): 153-154.
  7. Sharma A. Third Application of Principia’s third law of motion and role of shape of bodies Proceedings of 107th Indian Science Congress 2020 ,Physical Sciences PH 056 (2020): 106-107.
  8. Carlo Rovelli. as Editor in comments (limitations of third law may be highlighted within domains of classical physics). The theme of comments “‘Finally, your paper has a genuinely physical part investigating possible discrepancies from classical Newtonian physics in its domain of validity” (2018).
  9. Editor Current Science, dated 25 June 2019 on paper dealing with generalized form of third law of motion. “Whereas the first two are definitive and lay the foundation of mechanics, the third law certainly suffers from ambiguities and so the author deserves congratulations for the study of this issue”.
  10. Various scientists suggested the shape based experiments for different bodies in view of Newton’s third law which have not been reported in literature.
  11. Garwin L. “Kinematics of an Ultraelastic Rough Ball”. American Journal of Physics 37 (1969): 88.


Citation: Ajay Sharma. “Three Questions: How and Why Newton’s Third Law Must be Extended/Generalized?".Acta Scientific Pharmacology 2.10 (2021): 26-27.


Copyright: © 2021 Ajay Sharma. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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