RS Thakur*
Ranchi College of Pharmacy, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India
*Corresponding Author: RS Thakur, Ranchi College of Pharmacy, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India.
Received: September 05, 2020; Published: October 29, 2020
Clinical pharmacy services aim at effective, safe and economic therapeutic outcomes. History of pharmacy services reveals that the term ‘clinical pharmacy’ is in use since 1953. However, the structured concept of “clinical pharmacy” crystallized in late 1960s. The focus was reorienting the role of pharmacist from product preparation to patient centric services. This emanated from the ever increasing number of new drug molecules and complex formulations of medicines entering the therapeutic arena. The fulfilment of the aims of safe, economic and effective therapy became more and more complex and complicated due to emergence of polypharmacy practice. In search of solace, rational usage of medicines occupied central stage and optimization of therapy became the ultimate goal. Clinical pharmacist involves in ensuring rational usage of drugs in individual patient. The set objectives demand that pharmacists must acquire and implement deep knowledge of biopharmaceutics, clinical pharmacokinetics, pharmacology, toxicology and therapeutics as a whole to individualize medication and perform effective therapeutic drug monitoring. Biopharmaceutic basis of therapeutics relies on pharmacokinetic parameters of the dosage form in relation to the metabolic and elimination profile of the patient. Thus Clinical Pharmacy practice is a super specialty area in which each patient is clinically different based on his medical records and laboratory data. Therefore, the patient deserves dosage regimen specially designed according to her/his own profile. Of course, assessment of the outcomes and recommendations for dose adjustment to minimize adverse drug reactions along with economic aspects of therapy form integral part of clinical pharmacy service.
Keywords: Clinical Pharmacy; Clinical Pharmacokinetics; Rational Therapy; Pharmaceutical Care
Citation: RS Thakur. “Clinical Pharmacy Services Improve Effectiveness of Therapeutic Regimen".Acta Scientific Pharmacology 1.10 (2020): 07-11.
Copyright: © 2020 RS Thakur. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.