Acta Scientific Pharmacology

Review Article Volume 1 Issue 9

Novel Coronavirus-19: A Global Threat - Indian Statistical Data

S Gejalakshmi*, N Harikrishnan and S Komal

Faculty of Pharmacy, DR. M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute, Velappanchavadi, Chennai, India

*Corresponding Author: S Gejalakshmi, Faculty of Pharmacy, DR. M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute, Velappanchavadi, Chennai, India.

Received: May 02, 2020; Published: August 12, 2020



Corona viruses are named for the spikes that protrude from their surfaces, resembling a crown or the sun’s corona. They can infect both animals and people and can cause illnesses of the respiratory tract. In 2019, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) started monitoring the outbreak of a new corona virus, SARS-CoV-2, which causes the respiratory illness now known as COVID-19. Authorities first identified the virus in Wuhan, China. The first people with COVID-19 had links to an animal and seafood market. This fact suggested that animals initially transmitted the virus to humans. However, people with a more recent diagnosis had no connections with or exposure to the market, confirming that humans can pass the virus to each other.

Keywords: COVID-19; Illness; Respiratory Syndrome



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Citation: S Gejalakshmi., et al. “Novel Coronavirus-19: A Global Threat - Indian Statistical Data".Acta Scientific Pharmacology 1.9 (2020): 11-15.

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